Elodie Winckel
Elodie Winckel
PostDoc in linguistics, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg
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Extraction from subjects: Differences in acceptability depend on the discourse function of the construction
A Abeillé, B Hemforth, E Winckel, E Gibson
Cognition 204, 104293, 2020
Structural, functional, and processing perspectives on linguistic island effects
Y Liu, E Winckel, A Abeillé, B Hemforth, E Gibson
Annual Review of Linguistics 8 (1), 495-525, 2022
Les relatives en dont du français: études empiriques
A Abeillé, B Hemforth, E Winckel
SHS Web of Conferences 27, 14011, 2016
Acceptability of extraction out of adjuncts depends on discourse factors
E Gibson, B Hemforth, E Winckel, A Abeillé
34th CUNY conference, UPenn, USA, 2021
A construction-conflict explanation of the subject-island constraint
A Abeillé, B Hemforth, E Winckel, E Gibson
31th Annual CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing, 565-6, 2018
French subject island? Empirical studies of dont and de qui
A Abeillé, E Winckel
Journal of French Language Studies 30 (3), 275-300, 2020
French subject islands: Empirical and formal approaches
E Winckel
Université Paris Cité, 2021
Language Analytic Ability, Print Exposure, Memory and Comprehension of Complex Syntax by Adult Native Speakers
E Winckel, E Dąbrowska
Journal of Cognition 7 (1), 2024
Die Architektur von CoreGram: Grammatikimplementierung mit Demo
S Müller, AM y Priemer, E Winckel
DGfS, 2016
French subject island constraint? A discourse-based HPSG account
E Winckel, A Abeillé
Lingvisticæ Investigationes 43 (1), 95-128, 2020
Subject NP island? A case of focus-background conflict.
A Abeillé, B Hemforth, E Winckel, E Gibson
TedLab, 2020
Subject-island constraint? The discourse function of the construction matters
A Abeillé, B Hemforth, E Winckel, E Gibson
AMLaP 2019, 2019
Extracting out of the subject in French: experimental evidence
A Abeillé, E Winckel
Proceedings of the First Workshop on Quantitative Syntax (Quasy, SyntaxFest …, 2019
The acquisition of constructions: Does modality matter?
R Wright, S Geertsema, M le Roux, E Winckel, E Dąbrowska
Reading & Writing 15 (1), 10, 2024
A reference constructicon as a database
M Patel, A Garibyan, E Winckel, S Evert
Yearbook of the German Cognitive Linguistics Association 11 (1), 175-202, 2023
The acceptability of extractions from subjects depends on the discourse status of the subject
A Abeillé, B Hemforth, E Winckel, E Gibson
Architectures and Mechanisms of Language Processing, 2020
Subject island?(Counter) evidence from French dont-relative clauses
E Winckel, B Hemforth, A Abeillé
CUNY conference on human sentence processing, 2017
Examining the Role of Information Structure in In-Situ Interrogatives
E Winckel, R Mao, H Yu, A Abeillé, B Hemforth, E Gibson
The role of print exposure and language aptitude in adolescent writing complexity and receptive grammar
R Wright, E Winckel, E Dąbrowska
Some new data on French dont-relative clauses and Godard & Sag’s HPSG analyses
A Abeillé, E Winckel
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