Ivy Becker
Ivy Becker
KIT Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
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Porosity and permeability variations in a tight gas sandstone reservoir analogue, Westphalian D, Lower Saxony Basin, NW Germany: influence of depositional setting and diagenesis
I Becker, P Wüstefeld, B Koehrer, M Felder, C Hilgers
Journal of petroleum geology 40 (4), 363-389, 2017
Porosity evolution of two Upper Carboniferous tight-gas-fluvial sandstone reservoirs: Impact of fractures and total cement volumes on reservoir quality
B Busch, I Becker, B Koehrer, D Adelmann, C Hilgers
Marine and Petroleum Geology 100, 376-390, 2019
Comparing fracture statistics from outcrop and reservoir data using conventional manual and t-LiDAR derived scanlines in Ca2 carbonates from the Southern Permian Basin, Germany
I Becker, B Koehrer, M Waldvogel, W Jelinek, C Hilgers
Marine and Petroleum Geology 95, 228-245, 2018
Reservoir quality evolution of Upper Carboniferous (Westphalian) tight gas sandstones, lower Saxony Basin, NW Germany
I Becker, B Busch, B Koehrer, D Adelmann, C Hilgers
Journal of Petroleum Geology 42 (4), 371-392, 2019
Present-day stress control on fluid migration pathways: Case study of the Zechstein fractured carbonates, NW-Germany
I Becker, B Müller, B Koehrer, W Jelinek, C Hilgers
Marine and Petroleum Geology 103, 320-330, 2019
Digitally derived fracture network relationships in fractured Zechstein carbonate reservoirs from surface and well data
I Becker, P Wüstefeld, B Koehrer, W Jelinek, C Hilgers
79th EAGE Conference and Exhibition 2017 2017 (1), 1-5, 2017
Thermal UAS survey of reactivated hot spring activity in Waiwera, New Zealand
M Präg, I Becker, C Hilgers, TR Walter, M Kühn
Advances in Geosciences 54, 165-171, 2020
Geologische und STEEPLE-Aspekte zur überregionalen Verfügbarkeit von Rohstoffen zur Herstellung von Beton
C Hilgers, I Becker, F Dehn
Beton 70 (9), 232, 2020
Geologische Aspekte und Umfeldanalyse zur überregionalen Rohstoffverfügbarkeit von Beton–Sand, Kalkstein, Gips
C Hilgers, I Becker
Ressourceneffizienter Beton—Zukunftsstrategien für Baustoffe und Baupraxis …, 2020
Developing an exploration strategy for Upper Carboniferous tight gas sandstone reservoirs
I Becker, P Wüstefeld, B Koehrer, B Busch, C Hilgers
80th EAGE Conference and Exhibition 2018 2018 (1), 1-5, 2018
Local availability of raw materials and increasing global demand–aspects of resilient resource strategies= Lokale Verfügbarkeit von Rohstoffen bei steigender globaler Nachfrage …
C Hilgers, I Becker
World of mining, surface & underground 72 (5), 254, 2020
Geographic Information System (GIS) as a basis for the next generation of hydrogeological models to manage the geothermal area Waiwera (New Zealand)
M Kühn, M Präg, I Becker, C Hilgers, A Grafe, T Kempka
Advances in Geosciences 58, 31-39, 2022
Ist die deutsche Ressourcenstrategie resilient
C Hilgers, J Kolb, I Becker, MSK Steiger
Bergbau–Verhüttung–Recycling. THINKTANK Industrielle Ressourcenstrategien …, 2021
Correlating three Upper Permian Zechstein-2-Carbonate outcrops across the Eichsfeld-Altmark Swell-Facies, reservoir properties, and outcrop analogue potential.
I Becker, B Koehrer, C Hilgers
Zeitschrift der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften (ZDGG) 169 (4), 2018
Structural and diagenetic controls on reservoir quality in tight siliciclastic and carbonate rocks
I Becker
KIT Scientific Publishing, 2018
Outcrop to Well-Transferability of Zechstein Ca2 Carbonates from the Eichsfeld-Altmark Swell to the North German Subsurface
I Becker, B Koehrer, W Jelinek, C Hilgers
DGMK/ÖGEW Frühjahrstagung" Shaping the Energy Transitionwith Upstream and …, 2018
Comparison of open fractures in Ca2 carbonates from outcrop and well, using laser scans, image logs, and 3D stress
I Becker, P Wüstefeld, B Koehrer, W Jelinek, C Hilgers
First EAGE Workshop on Evaluation and Drilling of Carbonate Reservoirs 2017 …, 2017
How Cretaceous Source Rocks Extend the Potential for New Fields in the Norwegian Sea (Verdande Field)
I Becker, A Wenke
85th EAGE Annual Conference & Exhibition (including the Workshop Programme …, 2024
Unmanned arial system imaging and refined geologic modelling of the Waiwera geothermal Reservoir
M Präg, I Becker, TR Walter, M Kühn
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 6051, 2020
Structural and Diagenetic Controls on Reservoir Quality of Tight Formations
I Becker, B Busch, B Koehrer, C Hilgers
DGMK/ÖGEW Frühjahrstagung" Shaping the Energy Transitionwith Upstream and …, 2019
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