Applied logistic regression DW Hosmer Jr, S Lemeshow, RX Sturdivant John Wiley & Sons, 2013 | 83921 | 2013 |
Purposeful selection of variables in logistic regression Z Bursac, CH Gauss, DK Williams, DW Hosmer Source code for biology and medicine 3, 1-8, 2008 | 3499 | 2008 |
A population-based perspective of the hospital incidence and case-fatality rates of deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism: the Worcester DVT Study FA Anderson, HB Wheeler, RJ Goldberg, DW Hosmer, NA Patwardhan, ... Archives of internal medicine 151 (5), 933-938, 1991 | 3448 | 1991 |
A review of goodness of fit statistics for use in the development of logistic regression models S Lemeshow, DW Hosmer Jr American journal of epidemiology 115 (1), 92-106, 1982 | 2444 | 1982 |
Goodness of fit tests for the multiple logistic regression model DW Hosmer, S Lemesbow Communications in statistics-Theory and Methods 9 (10), 1043-1069, 1980 | 2384 | 1980 |
Adequacy of sample size in health studies S Lemeshow (No Title), 1990 | 2324 | 1990 |
A comparison of goodness‐of‐fit tests for the logistic regression model DW Hosmer, T Hosmer, S Le Cessie, S Lemeshow Statistics in medicine 16 (9), 965-980, 1997 | 2141 | 1997 |
A meta-analysis of sex differences prevalence, incidence and severity of osteoarthritis VK Srikanth, JL Fryer, G Zhai, TM Winzenberg, D Hosmer, G Jones Osteoarthritis and cartilage 13 (9), 769-781, 2005 | 1661 | 2005 |
Besar sampel dalam penelitian kesehatan S Lemeshow, DW Hosmer, J Klar, SK Lwanga Yogyakarta: Gajah Mada University, 1997 | 1583 | 1997 |
Influence of a mindfulness meditation-based stress reduction intervention on rates of skin clearing in patients with moderate to severe psoriasis undergoing photo therapy (UVB … J Kabat-Zinn, E Wheeler, T Light, A Skillings, MJ Scharf, TG Cropley, ... Psychosomatic medicine 60 (5), 625-632, 1998 | 1412 | 1998 |
Confidence interval estimation of interaction DW Hosmer, S Lemeshow Epidemiology, 452-456, 1992 | 1236 | 1992 |
Model‐building strategies and methods for logistic regression DW Hosmer Jr Applied logistic regression, 89-151, 2013 | 1016 | 2013 |
Development and validation of a pregnancy physical activity questionnaire L Chasan-Taber, MD Schmidt, DE Roberts, D Hosmer, G Markenson, ... Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise 36 (10), 1750-1760, 2004 | 900 | 2004 |
Assessing the fit of the model DW Hosmer Applied logistic regression, 1989 | 797 | 1989 |
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The importance of assessing the fit of logistic regression models: a case study. DW Hosmer, S Taber, S Lemeshow American journal of public health 81 (12), 1630-1635, 1991 | 741 | 1991 |
Hunger: its impact on children’s health and mental health L Weinreb, C Wehler, J Perloff, R Scott, D Hosmer, L Sagor, C Gundersen Pediatrics 110 (4), e41-e41, 2002 | 653 | 2002 |
The multiple logistic regression model DW Hosmer, S Lemeshow, RX Sturdivant Applied logistic regression 1, 25-37, 1989 | 545 | 1989 |
Simplified estimates of the probability of death after burn injuries: extending and updating the baux score T Osler, LG Glance, DW Hosmer Journal of trauma and acute care surgery 68 (3), 690-697, 2010 | 466 | 2010 |
Inhibition of atherosclerosis by cod-liver oil in a hyperlipidemic swine model BH Weiner, IS Ockene, PH Levine, HF Cuénoud, M Fisher, BF Johnson, ... New England Journal of Medicine 315 (14), 841-846, 1986 | 450 | 1986 |