Charles Simenstad
Charles Simenstad
Research Professor, School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences, University of Washington
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Restoration of the Mississippi Delta: lessons from hurricanes Katrina and Rita
JW Day Jr, DF Boesch, EJ Clairain, GP Kemp, SB Laska, WJ Mitsch, ...
science 315 (5819), 1679-1684, 2007
Magnification of secondary production by kelp detritus in coastal marine ecosystems
DO Duggins, CA Simenstad, JA Estes
Science 245 (4914), 170-173, 1989
Scientific assessment of coastal wetland loss, restoration and management in Louisiana
DF Boesch, MN Josselyn, AJ Mehta, JT Morris, WK Nuttle, CA Simenstad, ...
Journal of Coastal Research, i-103, 1994
Aleuts, sea otters, and alternate stable-state communities
CA Simenstad, JA Estes, KW Kenyon
Science 200 (4340), 403-411, 1978
Seascape ecology of coastal biogenic habitats: advances, gaps, and challenges
C Boström, SJ Pittman, C Simenstad, RT Kneib
Marine ecology progress series 427, 191-217, 2011
Seagrass landscapes and their effects on associated fauna: a review
C Boström, EL Jackson, CA Simenstad
Estuarine, Coastal and shelf science 68 (3-4), 383-403, 2006
Medium-and long-term recovery of estuarine and coastal ecosystems: patterns, rates and restoration effectiveness
Á Borja, DM Dauer, M Elliott, CA Simenstad
Estuaries and Coasts 33, 1249-1260, 2010
The role of Puget Sound and Washington coastal estuaries in the life history of Pacific salmon: an unappreciated function
CA Simenstad, KL Fresh, EO Salo
Estuarine comparisons, 343-364, 1982
Salmon at river's end: the role of the estuary in the decline and recovery of Columbia River salmon
DL Bottom, CA Simenstad, J Burke, AM Baptista, DA Jay, KK Jone, ...
Functional equivalency trajectories of the restored Gog‐Le‐Hi‐Te estuarine wetland
CA Simenstad, RM Thom
Ecological Applications 6 (1), 38-56, 1996
Historical changes in the Columbia River estuary
CR Sherwood, DA Jay, RB Harvey, P Hamilton, CA Simenstad
Progress in Oceanography 25 (1-4), 299-352, 1990
When is restoration not?: Incorporating landscape-scale processes to restore self-sustaining ecosystems in coastal wetland restoration
C Simenstad, D Reed, M Ford
Ecological Engineering 26 (1), 27-39, 2006
Dominance of particle-attached bacteria in the Columbia River estuary, USA
BC Crump, JA Baross, CA Simenstad
Aquatic Microbial Ecology 14 (1), 7-18, 1998
UN decade on ecosystem restoration 2021–2030—what chance for success in restoring coastal ecosystems?
NJ Waltham, M Elliott, SY Lee, C Lovelock, CM Duarte, C Buelow, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 7, 71, 2020
d13C evidence of the origins and fates of organic carbon in estuarine and nearshore food webs
CA Simenstad, RC Wissmar
Marine Ecology Progress Series 22, 141-152, 1985
The effects of introduced water hyacinth on habitat structure, invertebrate assemblages, and fish diets
JD Toft, CA Simenstad, JR Cordell, LF Grimaldo
Estuaries 26, 746-758, 2003
Ecological assessment criteria for restoring anadromous salmonid habitat in Pacific Northwest estuaries
CA Simenstad, JR Cordell
Ecological Engineering 15 (3-4), 283-302, 2000
Fish distribution, abundance, and behavior along city shoreline types in Puget Sound
JD Toft, JR Cordell, CA Simenstad, LA Stamatiou
North American Journal of Fisheries Management 27 (2), 465-480, 2007
Pacific salmon and wildlife-ecological contexts, relationships, and implications for management
CJ Cederholm, DH Johnson, RE Bilby, LG Dominguez, AM Garrett, ...
Wildlife-habitat relationships in Oregon and Washington. Oregon State …, 2001
Patterns of Chinook salmon migration and residency in the Salmon River estuary (Oregon)
DL Bottom, KK Jones, TJ Cornwell, A Gray, CA Simenstad
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 64 (1), 79-93, 2005
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