Seoghyun Kim
Seoghyun Kim
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Emergent dual scaling of riverine biodiversity
A Terui, S Kim, CL Dolph, T Kadoya, Y Miyazaki
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118 (47), e2105574118, 2021
Survival of upper Piedmont stream fishes implanted with 8-mm passive integrated transponder tags
JB Cary, JL Holbrook, ME Reed, TB Austin, MS Steffensen, S Kim, ...
Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 146 (6), 1223-1232, 2017
Interspecific social dominance networks reveal mechanisms promoting coexistence in sympatric charr in Hokkaido, Japan
KD Fausch, S Nakano, S Kitano, Y Kanno, S Kim
Journal of Animal Ecology 90 (2), 515-527, 2021
Spawning periodicity and synchrony of bluehead chub (Nocomis leptocephalus) and a nest associate, yellowfin shiner (Notropis lutipinnis), across local streams
S Kim, Y Kanno
Ecology of Freshwater Fish 29 (2), 299-310, 2020
Detection efficiency of a portable PIT antenna for two small-bodied fishes in a piedmont stream
BB Kelly, JB Cary, AD Smith, KC Pregler, S Kim, Y Kanno
North American Journal of Fisheries Management 37 (6), 1362-1369, 2017
Evaluation of habitat improvement using two-dimensional fish habitat modeling after the connectivity restoration in an isolated former channel
SH Kim, D Kim, KH Cho
Ecology and Resilient Infrastructure 2 (2), 137-146, 2015
Diverse reproductive patterns of Bluehead Chub (Nocomis leptocephalus) and their relationships with nest size and interactions with an associate, Yellowfin Shiner
S Kim, BK Peoples, Y Kanno
Environmental Biology of Fishes 103, 783-794, 2020
Fish community structure of the former channel isolated by channelization in the Mangyeong River, Korea: Implications for connectivity restoration
SH Kim, HT Cheon, KH Cho
Ecology and Resilient Infrastructure 2 (1), 22-32, 2015
Non‐random dispersal in sympatric stream fishes: Influences of natural disturbance and body size
A Terui, S Kim, KC Pregler, Y Kanno
Freshwater Biology 66 (10), 1865-1875, 2021
Distribution of Coreoperca kawamebari and C. herzi and fish community structure in relation to environmental differences in their sympatric area of the Boseong River, Korea
SH Kim, SH Lee, WO Lee, KH Cho
Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment 46 (3), 367-379, 2013
Effect of land use on urban thermal environments in Incheon, Korea
HY Kong, SH Kim, H Cho
Ecology and Resilient Infrastructure 3 (4), 315-321, 2016
Sub‐seasonal correlation between growth and survival in three sympatric aquatic ectotherms
Y Kanno, S Kim, KC Pregler
Oikos 2023 (3), e09685, 2023
Characteristics of fish community structure before the dam operation in the naeseong stream, Korea. Ecology and Resilient Infrastructure 4 (1): 034-043
JS Won, SH Kim, KH Cho
Ecology and Resilient Infrastructure 4 (1), 34-43, 2017
Metapopulation‐level associations in positively interacting stream fishes
S Kim, CL Dolph, A Terui
Ecography 2022, e06080, 2022
Behavior outweighs body size in mediating male reproductive success in a nest-building fish, bluehead chub
S Kim, KC Pregler, EL Cushman, TL Darden, Y Kanno
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 74 (12), 148, 2020
Effects of habitat disturbance on fish community structure in a gravel-bed stream, Korea
SH Kim, WO Lee, KH Cho
Ecology and Resilient Infrastructure 1 (2), 49-60, 2014
Temperature variation generates interspecific synchrony but spatial asynchrony in survival for freshwater fish communities
KC Pregler, X Lu, GP Valentine, S Kim, Y Kanno
Ecology and Evolution 13 (11), e10700, 2023
Linking male reproductive success to effort within and among nests in a co-breeding stream fish
S Kim, MB Hooten, TL Darden, Y Kanno
Ethology 128, 489– 498, 2022
Intraspecific variation in reproductive ecology and success of a keystone stream fish, bluehead chub
S Kim
Colorado State University, 2019
2 차원 어류 서식처 모의를 이용한 격리된 구하도의 연결성 복원에 따른 서식지 개선 평가
김석현, 김다나, 조강현
Ecology and Resilient Infrastructure 2 (2), 137-146, 2015
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