Karel Petrzik
Karel Petrzik
在 umbr.cas.cz 的电子邮件经过验证
ICTV Virus Taxonomy Profile: Secoviridae
JR Thompson, I Dasgupta, M Fuchs, T Iwanami, AV Karasev, K Petrzik, ...
Journal of General Virology 98 (4), 529-531, 2017
Strawberry vein banding virus—definitive member of the genus Caulimovirus
K Petrzik, V Beneš, I Mráz, J Honetšlegrová-Fránová, W Ansorge, J Špak
Virus Genes 16, 303-305, 1998
First Incidence of Plum Pox Virus on Apricot Trees in China
M Navratil, D Safarova, R Karesova, K Petrzik
Plant Disease 89 (3), 338-338, 2005
Variability and molecular typing of the woody-tree infecting prunus necrotic ringspot ilarvirus
D Vašková, K Petrzik, R Karešová
Archives of virology 145, 699-709, 2000
Remarkable variability of apple mosaic virus capsid protein gene after nucleotide position 141
K Petrzik, O Lenz
Archives of virology 147, 1275-1285, 2002
Molecular characterization of a new monopartite dsRNA mycovirus from mycorrhizal Thelephora terrestris (Ehrh.) and its detection in soil oribatid mites (Acari: Oribatida)
K Petrzik, T Sarkisova, J Starý, I Koloniuk, L Hrabáková, O Kubešová
Virology 489, 12-19, 2016
Molecular variability of the capsid protein of the prune dwarf virus
D Vašková, K Petrzik, J Špak
European Journal of Plant Pathology 106, 573-580, 2000
Nucleotide and amino acid variation in the coat protein coding region of turnip mosaic virus isolates and possible involvement in the interaction with the brassica resistance …
P Lehmann, K Petrzik, C Jenner, A Greenland, J Špak, E Kozubek, ...
Physiological and molecular plant pathology 51 (3), 195-208, 1997
Variability in coat protein sequence homology among American and European sources of strawberry vein banding virus
I Mráz, K Petrzik, M Šíp, J Fránová-Honetšlegrová
Plant disease 82 (5), 544-546, 1998
Capsid protein sequence gene analysis of Apple mosaic virus infecting pears
K Petrzik
European journal of plant pathology 111, 355-360, 2005
Molecular characterization of a novel amalgavirus from the entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana
I Koloniuk, L Hrabáková, K Petrzik
Archives of virology 160, 1585-1588, 2015
Proposed revision of the family Secoviridae taxonomy to create three subgenera,“Satsumavirus”,“Stramovirus” and “Cholivirus”, in the genus Sadwavirus
H Sanfaçon, I Dasgupta, M Fuchs, AV Karasev, K Petrzik, JR Thompson, ...
Archives of Virology 165 (2), 527-533, 2020
Complete genome sequence of a novel hypovirus infecting Phomopsis longicolla
I Koloniuk, MH El-Habbak, K Petrzik, SA Ghabrial
Archives of virology 159, 1861-1863, 2014
Lichens—a new source or yet unknown host of herbaceous plant viruses?
K Petrzik, J Vondrák, M Barták, O Peksa, O Kubešová
European journal of plant pathology 138, 549-559, 2014
CHAPTER 6: Apple mosaic virus in Pome Fruits
K Petrzik, O Lenz
Virus and virus-like diseases of pome and stone fruits, 25-28, 2011
Phomopsis longicolla RNA virus 1–Novel virus at the edge of myco-and plant viruses
L Hrabáková, I Koloniuk, K Petrzik
Virology 506, 14-18, 2017
Detection of strawberry vein banding virus by polymerase chain reaction and dot blot hybridization.
I Mráz, K Petrzik, J Franova-Honetslegrova, M Sip
Acta virologica 41 (4), 241-242, 1997
Variability in sequence of Strawberry vein banding virus
D Hanzliková Vašková*, J Špak, K Petrzik
Biologia plantarum 50, 660-666, 2006
ICTV Virus Taxonomy Profile: Secoviridae 2022
M Fuchs, JM Hily, K Petrzik, H Sanfaçon, JR Thompson, R van der Vlugt, ...
Journal of General Virology 103 (12), 001807, 2022
Investigating the sensitivity of a fluorescence-based microarray for the detection of fruit-tree viruses
O Lenz, K Petrzik, J Spak
Journal of virological methods 148 (1-2), 96-105, 2008
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