Massimo Ricotti
Massimo Ricotti
在 umd.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
Effect of primordial black holes on the cosmic microwave background and cosmological parameter estimates
M Ricotti, JP Ostriker, KJ Mack
The Astrophysical Journal 680 (2), 829, 2008
The evolution of the effective equation of state of the intergalactic medium
M Ricotti, NY Gnedin, JM Shull
The Astrophysical Journal 534 (1), 41, 2000
Formation histories of dwarf galaxies in the local group
M Ricotti, NY Gnedin
The Astrophysical Journal 629 (1), 259, 2005
The fate of the first galaxies. II. Effects of radiative feedback
M Ricotti, NY Gnedin, JM Shull
The Astrophysical Journal 575 (1), 49, 2002
X-ray pre-ionization powered by accretion on the first black holes – I. A model for the WMAP polarization measurement
M Ricotti, JP Ostriker
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 352 (2), 547-562, 2004
Constraints on the dark matter particle mass from the number of Milky Way satellites
E Polisensky, M Ricotti
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 83 (4), 043506, 2011
Pre-reionization fossils, ultra-faint dwarfs, and the missing galactic satellite problem
MS Bovill, M Ricotti
The Astrophysical Journal 693 (2), 1859, 2009
Feedback from galaxy formation: Production and photodissociation of primordial H2
M Ricotti, NY Gnedin, JM Shull
The Astrophysical Journal 560 (2), 580, 2001
The fate of the first galaxies. I. Self-consistent cosmological simulations with radiative transfer
M Ricotti, NY Gnedin, JM Shull
The Astrophysical Journal 575 (1), 33, 2002
A new probe of dark matter and high-energy universe using microlensing
M Ricotti, A Gould
The Astrophysical Journal 707 (2), 979, 2009
Growth of structure seeded by primordial black holes
KJ Mack, JP Ostriker, M Ricotti
The Astrophysical Journal 665 (2), 1277, 2007
Reionization, chemical enrichment and seed black holes from the first stars: is Population III important?
M Ricotti, JP Ostriker
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 350 (2), 539-551, 2004
Accretion onto intermediate-mass black holes regulated by radiative feedback. I. Parametric study for spherically symmetric accretion
KH Park, M Ricotti
The Astrophysical Journal 739 (1), 2, 2011
Dependence of the inner dark matter profile on the halo mass
M Ricotti
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 344 (4), 1237-1249, 2003
Where are the fossils of the first galaxies? II. True fossils, ghost halos, and the missing bright satellites
MS Bovill, M Ricotti
The Astrophysical Journal 741 (1), 18, 2011
Accretion onto black holes from large scales regulated by radiative feedback. II. Growth rate and duty cycle
KH Park, M Ricotti
The Astrophysical Journal 747 (1), 9, 2012
Feedback from galaxy formation: escaping ionizing radiation from galaxies at high redshift
M Ricotti, JM Shull
The Astrophysical Journal 542 (2), 548, 2000
Bondi accretion in the early universe
M Ricotti
The Astrophysical Journal 662 (1), 53, 2007
The fate of the first galaxies. III. Properties of primordial dwarf galaxies and their impact on the intergalactic medium
M Ricotti, NY Gnedin, JM Shull
The Astrophysical Journal 685 (1), 21, 2008
Where are the fossils of the first galaxies? I. Local volume maps and properties of the undetected dwarfs
MS Bovill, M Ricotti
The Astrophysical Journal 741 (1), 17, 2011
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