Bosen Wang
Bosen Wang
Beihang University(BUAA),The University of Sydney, Universität Stuttgart
在 sydney.edu.au 的电子邮件经过验证
Coal particle volatile combustion and flame interaction. Part I: Characterization of transient and group effects
GL Tufano, OT Stein, B Wang, A Kronenburg, M Rieth, AM Kempf
Fuel 229, 262-269, 2018
Coal particle volatile combustion and flame interaction. Part II: Effects of particle Reynolds number and turbulence
GL Tufano, OT Stein, B Wang, A Kronenburg, M Rieth, AM Kempf
Fuel 234, 723-731, 2018
Fully resolved DNS of droplet array combustion in turbulent convective flows and modelling for mixing fields in inter-droplet space
B Wang, A Kronenburg, GL Tufano, OT Stein
Combustion and Flame 189, 347-366, 2018
Modeling of sub-grid conditional mixing statistics in turbulent sprays using machine learning methods
S Yao, B Wang, A Kronenburg, OT Stein
Physics of Fluids 32 (11), 2020
An examination of performance deterioration indicators of diesel engines on the plateau
J Liu, B Wang, Z Meng, Z Liu
Energy 262, 125587, 2023
Conditional scalar dissipation rate modeling for turbulent spray flames using artificial neural networks
S Yao, B Wang, A Kronenburg, OT Stein
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 38 (2), 3371-3378, 2021
Carrier-phase DNS of detailed NOx formation in early-stage pulverized coal combustion with fuel-bound nitrogen
A Shamooni, P Debiagi, B Wang, TD Luu, OT Stein, A Kronenburg, ...
Fuel 291, 119998, 2021
Numerical convergence of volume of fluid based large eddy simulations of atomizing sprays
F Abbas, B Wang, MJ Cleary, AR Masri
Physics of Fluids 33 (4), 2021
Assessment of scaling laws for mixing fields in inter-droplet space
B Wang, A Kronenburg, D Dietzel, OT Stein
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 36 (2), 2451-2458, 2017
Comparison of flame dynamics at stable and near-LBO conditions for swirl-stabilized kerosene spray combustion
C Zhang, P Zou, B Wang, X Xue, Y Lin, CJ Sung
Turbo Expo: Power for Land, Sea, and Air 56680, V04AT04A044, 2015
A new perspective on modelling passive scalar conditional mixing statistics in turbulent spray flames
B Wang, A Kronenburg, OT Stein
Combustion and Flame 208, 376-387, 2019
Modeling of interfacial flows based on an explicit volume diffusion concept
B Wang, MJ Cleary, AR Masri
Physics of Fluids 33 (6), 2021
Investigation of turbulent pulverized solid fuel combustion with detailed homogeneous and heterogeneous kinetics
B Wang, A Shamooni, OT Stein, A Kronenburg, AM Kempf, P Debiagi, ...
Energy & Fuels 35 (9), 7077-7091, 2021
Modelling sub-grid passive scalar statistics in moderately dense evaporating sprays
B Wang, A Kronenburg, OT Stein
Flow, Turbulence and Combustion 103, 519-535, 2019
A resolved simulation study on the interactions between droplets and turbulent flames using OpenFOAM
B Wang, H Chu, A Kronenburg, OT Stein
High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering'17: Transactions of …, 2018
An investigation into oxidation-induced fragmentation of soot aggregates by Langevin dynamics simulations
W Qian, X Hui, B Wang, A Kronenburg, CJ Sung, Y Lin
Fuel 334, 126547, 2023
Physics-informed neural network for inverse heat conduction problem
W Qian, X Hui, B Wang, Z Zhang, Y Lin, S Yang
Heat Transfer Research 54 (4), 2023
Coupling Explicit Volume Diffusion with?-Y model for LES of Airblast Atomisation
B Wang, MJ Cleary, A Masri
International Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems (ICLASS) 1 (1), 2021
Modelling of mixing in moderately dense sprays
B Wang
文章 1–19