Richard Maclure
Richard Maclure
Professor, Faculty of Education, University of Ottawa
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“I didn’t want to die so I joined them”: structuration and the process of becoming boy soldiers in Sierra Leone
R Maclure, M Denov
The Criminology of War, 413-429, 2017
Engaging the voices of girls in the aftermath of Sierra Leone's conflict: Experiences and perspectives in a culture of violence
M Denov, R Maclure
Anthropologica, 73-85, 2006
Turnings and epiphanies: Militarization, life histories, and the making and unmaking of two child soldiers in Sierra Leone
M Denov, R Maclure
Journal of youth studies 10 (2), 243-261, 2007
Reconstruction versus transformation: Post-war education and the struggle for gender equity in Sierra Leone
R Maclure, M Denov
International Journal of Educational Development 29 (6), 612-620, 2009
Misplaced assumptions of decentralization and participation in rural communities: primary school reform in Burkina Faso
R Maclure
Comparative Education 30 (3), 239-254, 1994
Youth gangs in Nicaragua: Gang membership as structured individualization
R Maclure, M Sotelo
Journal of Youth Studies 7 (4), 417-432, 2004
Overlooked and undervalued: A synthesis of ERNWACA reviews on the state of educational research in West and Central Africa
RA Maclure
Educational Research Network for West and Central Africa (ERNWACA), 1997
No longer overlooked and undervalued? The evolving dynamics of endogenous educational research in sub-Saharan Africa
R Maclure
Harvard Educational Review 76 (1), 80-109, 2006
Participatory action research in Togo: An inquiry into maize storage systems
R Maclure, M Bassey
Civil society, basic education, and sector-wide aid: insights from Sub-Saharan Africa
K Mundy, M Haggerty, M Sivasubramaniam, S Cherry, R Maclure
Development in Practice 20 (4-5), 484-497, 2010
The challenge of participatory research and its implications for funding agencies
R Maclure
International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy 10 (3), 1-21, 1990
Children's rights as residual social policy in Nicaragua: State priorities and the Code of Childhood and Adolescence
R Maclure, M Sotelo
Third World Quarterly 24 (4), 671-689, 2003
Basic education, civil society participation and the new aid architecture: Lessons from Burkina Faso, Kenya, Mali and Tanzania
K Mundy, S Cherry, M Haggerty, R Maclure, M Sivasubramaniam
Retrieved June 21, 2015, 2008
Primary health care and donor dependency: a case study of nongovernment assistance in Burkina Faso
R Maclure
International Journal of Health Services 25 (3), 539-558, 1995
Young offender diversion in Canada: tensions and contradictions of social policy appropriation
R Maclure, K Campbell, M Dufresne
Policy Studies 24 (2-3), 135-150, 2003
Education and development: The perennial contradictions of policy discourse
R Maclure, R Sabbah, D Lavan
Introduction to international development: Approaches, actors and issues …, 2009
Children's rights and the tenuousness of local coalitions: A case study in Nicaragua
R Maclure, M Sotelo
Journal of Latin American Studies 36 (1), 85-108, 2004
Girls and small arms in Sierra Leone: Victimization, participation and resistance
M Denov, R Maclure
Sexed pistols: The gendered impacts of small arms and light weapons, 51-80, 2009
School reform in Burkina Faso: the limited prospects of decentralization and local participation
R Maclure
Canadian and International Education 22 (2), 69-87, 1993
Education and human security in Sierra Leone: discourses of failure and reconstruction
R Krech, R Maclure
Comparative Education, Terrorism and Human Security: From Critical Pedagogy …, 2003
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