Guoping Hu
Guoping Hu
Space Science Institute,Macau University of Science and Technology
在 mail.sysu.edu.cn 的电子邮件经过验证
Analysis of Chang'E-2 brightness temperature data and production of high spatial resolution microwave maps of the Moon
YC Zheng, KL Chan, KT Tsang, YC Zhu, GP Hu, DT Blewett, C Neish
Icarus 319, 627-644, 2019
Comparison and evaluation of the Chang'E microwave radiometer data based on theoretical computation of brightness temperatures at the Apollo 15 and 17 sites
GP Hu, KL Chan, YC Zheng, KT Tsang, AA Xu
Icarus 294, 72-80, 2017
Brightness temperature calculation of lunar crater: Interpretation of topographic effect on microwave data from Chang'E
G Hu, K Chen, Q Huang, W Guo, Q Li, L Gui, Y Cheng
IEEE transactions on geoscience and remote sensing 52 (8), 4499-4510, 2013
Lunar surface temperature of global moon: Preparation of database with topographic and albedo effects
GP Hu, YC Zheng, AA Xu, ZS Tang
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 13 (1), 110-114, 2015
A rock model for the cold and hot spots in the Chang’E microwave brightness temperature map
GP Hu, KL Chan, YC Zheng, AA Xu
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 56 (9), 5471-5480, 2018
Microwave brightness temperature of the Moon: The possibility of setting a calibration source of the lunar surface
GP Hu, YC Zheng, AA Xu, ZS Tang
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 13 (2), 182-186, 2015
Qualitative verification of CE-2's microwave measurement: Relative calibration based on brightness temperature model and data fusion
GP Hu, YC Zheng, AA Xu, ZS Tang
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 54 (3), 1598-1609, 2015
Lunar surface and buried rock abundance retrieved from Chang’E-2 microwave and diviner data
G Wei, S Byrne, X Li, G Hu
The Planetary Science Journal 1 (3), 56, 2020
An in-flight recalibration for Chang’E-1 and E-2 microwave radiometer datasets based on highland thermophysical models
G Hu, SJ Keihm, Z Wang
IEEE transactions on geoscience and remote sensing 60, 1-21, 2021
Study of Chang’E‐2 Microwave Radiometer Data in the Lunar Polar Region
F Yang, Y Xu, KL Chan, X Zhang, G Hu, Y Li
Advances in Astronomy 2019 (1), 3940837, 2019
Effect of the lunar radiation on the cold sky horn antennas of the Chang’E-1 and-2 microwave radiometers
GP Hu, SJ Keihm
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 18 (10), 1781-1785, 2020
Brightness temperature of the global moon: Comparison between theoretical simulation and observation by Chang'E-1 lunar orbiter
GP Hu, QX Li, YC Zheng, XY Li, L Lang, GY Shen, Y Liao, QL Huang, ...
2010 International Conference on Microwave and Millimeter Wave Technology …, 2010
A recalibration model based on the statistical regression analysis method to align the microwave data of Chang’E-1 and Chang’E-2
F Yang, GP Hu, KL Chan, KT Tsang, YC Zheng, Y Xu, LHS Yu
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 60, 1-11, 2021
Chang’E-4 measurements of lunar surface temperatures: Thermal conductivity of the near surface regolith
W Zheng, G Hu, Y Wu, Q Jin, Z Li, L Feng
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 61, 1-14, 2023
The Moon in the microwave: Shedding new light on the lunar farside
R Bugiolacchi, GP Hu, YC Zheng
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 127 (5), e2021JE007039, 2022
Explanations for unusual seasonal variations in Chang’E-2 microwave radiometer datasets of lunar double-shaded permanently shadowed regions
W Zheng, G Hu, D Zhang, Y Zheng
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 60, 1-14, 2022
A new look at the Moon using Chang’e-2 microwave radiometer data
R Bugiolacchi, G Hu, KL Chan
Proceedings of the European Planetary Science Congress 12, 2018
Chang'E-2 microwave brightness temperature maps of the Moon
DT Blewett, YC Zheng, KL Chan, GP Hu, C Neish, KT Tsang, YC Zhu
49th Annual Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 1228, 2018
A new map of thermal variations within Oceanus Procellarum and Mare Imbrium using Chang'e (CE-2) microwave radiometers (MRMs) data
GP Hu, R Bugiolacchi, KL Chan, YC Zheng, KT Tsang
49th Annual Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 1824, 2018
An improved High-Frequency-Raised inversion algorithm for radar imaging
L He, Q Li, Y Leng, J Dong, G Hu
2010 International Conference on Microwave and Millimeter Wave Technology …, 2010
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