Communication in medical care: Interaction between primary care physicians and patients J Heritage, DW Maynard Cambridge University Press, 2006 | 1241 | 2006 |
Bad news, good news: Conversational order in everyday talk and clinical settings DW Maynard University of Chicago Press, 2003 | 970 | 2003 |
Inside plea bargaining DW Maynard, DW Maynard Inside Plea Bargaining: The Language of Negotiation, 201-208, 1984 | 696 | 1984 |
The diversity of ethnomethodology DW Maynard, SE Clayman Annual review of sociology 17 (1), 385-418, 1991 | 599 | 1991 |
Interaction and asymmetry in clinical discourse DW Maynard American journal of sociology 97 (2), 448-495, 1991 | 569 | 1991 |
Placement of topic changes in conversation DW Maynard Walter de Gruyter, Berlin/New York 30 (3-4), 263-290, 1980 | 556 | 1980 |
Problems and prospects in the study of physician-patient interaction: 30 years of research J Heritage, DW Maynard Annu. Rev. Sociol. 32 (1), 351-374, 2006 | 503 | 2006 |
Conversation analysis, doctor–patient interaction and medical communication DW Maynard, J Heritage Medical education 39 (4), 428-435, 2005 | 502 | 2005 |
Topical talk, ritual and the social organization of relationships DW Maynard, DH Zimmerman Social psychology quarterly, 301-316, 1984 | 466 | 1984 |
How children start arguments DW Maynard Language in society 14 (1), 1-29, 1985 | 421 | 1985 |
On clinicians co-implicating recipients’ perspective in the delivery of diagnostic news DW Maynard Talk at work: Interaction in institutional settings 8, 331-358, 1992 | 420 | 1992 |
The perspective-display series and the delivery and receipt of diagnostic news DW Maynard Talk and social structure: Studies in ethnomethodology and conversation …, 1991 | 302 | 1991 |
The news delivery sequence: Bad news and good news in conversational interaction DW Maynard Research on Language and Social Interaction 30 (2), 93-130, 1997 | 293 | 1997 |
On the functions of social conflict among children DW Maynard American sociological review, 207-223, 1985 | 283 | 1985 |
Standardization and tacit knowledge. Interaction and practice in the survey interview DW Maynard, JP Houtkoop-Steenstra, NC Schaeffer, J Van der Zouwen John Wiley & Sons, 2002 | 276 | 2002 |
On" realization" in everyday life: The forecasting of bad news as a social relation DW Maynard American sociological review, 109-131, 1996 | 253 | 1996 |
Introduction: Analyzing interaction between doctors and patients in primary care encounters J Heritage, DW Maynard STUDIES IN INTERACTIONAL SOCIOLINGUISTICS 20, 1, 2006 | 210 | 2006 |
Ethnomethodology and conversation analysis DW Maynard, SE Clayman Handbook of symbolic interactionism, 173-202, 2003 | 206 | 2003 |
Ethnomethodology and conversation analysis SE Clayman, DW Maynard Situated order: Studies in the social organisation of talk and embodied …, 1995 | 197 | 1995 |
Language, interaction, and social problems DW Maynard Social Problems 35 (4), 311-334, 1988 | 197 | 1988 |