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Voronoi Progressive Widening: Efficient Online Solvers for Continuous State, Action, and Observation POMDPs
MH Lim, CJ Tomlin, ZN Sunberg
🧠 📊 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) 2021, 2021
强制性开放获取政策: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Defense
Multi-Agent Reachability Calibration with Conformal Prediction
A Muthali, H Shen, S Deglurkar, MH Lim, R Roelofs, A Faust, C Tomlin
💻 📊 🤖 arXiv preprint arXiv:2304.00432, 2023
强制性开放获取政策: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Defense, US National …
Optimality Guarantees for Particle Belief Approximation of POMDPs
MH Lim, TJ Becker, MJ Kochenderfer, CJ Tomlin, ZN Sunberg
🧠 📊 Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research 77, 1591-1636, 2023
强制性开放获取政策: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Defense
Multi-Task Learning with Sequence-Conditioned Transporter Networks
MH Lim, A Zeng, B Ichter, M Bandari, E Coumans, C Tomlin, S Schaal, ...
💻 🧠 🤖 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) 2022, 2022
强制性开放获取政策: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Defense
Compositional Learning-based Planning for Vision POMDPs
S Deglurkar*, MH Lim*, J Tucker, ZN Sunberg, A Faust, C Tomlin
💻 🧠 🤖 Learning for Dynamics and Control Conference, 469-482, 2023
强制性开放获取政策: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Defense, US National …
Navigation between initial and desired community states using shortcuts
BW Blonder*, MH Lim*, Z Sunberg, C Tomlin
🌱 🧠 Ecology Letters 2023, 2023
强制性开放获取政策: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Defense
Creating analogs of thermal distributions from diabatic excitations in ion-trap-based quantum simulation
MH Lim, BT Yoshimura, JK Freericks
🌱 New Journal of Physics 18 (4), 043026, 2016
强制性开放获取政策: US National Science Foundation
Predicting and Prioritising Community Assembly: Learning Outcomes via Experiments
B Blonder, MH Lim, O Godoy
🌱 💻 Ecology Letters 2024, 2024
强制性开放获取政策: US National Science Foundation, Government of Spain