Peter Vos
Peter Vos
在 tno.nl 的电子邮件经过验证
Diatoms as a tool for reconstructing sedimentary environments in coastal wetlands; methodological aspects
PC Vos, H De Wolf
Hydrobiologia 269, 285-296, 1993
Holocene geology and occupation history of the Province of Zeeland
PC Vos, RM Van Heeringen
Mededelingen Nederlands Instituut voor Toegepaste Geowetenschappen TNO 59 (5 …, 1997
Methodological aspects of paleo-ecological diatom research in coastal areas of the Netherlands
PC Vos
Geologie en Mijnbouw 67, 31-40, 1988
Atlas van Nederland in het Holoceen: landschap en bewoning vanaf de laatste ijstijd tot nu
PC Vos, J Bazelmans, HJT Weerts, MJ van der Meulen
Bert Bakker, Amsterdam, 2011
Origin of the Dutch coastal landscape: long-term landscape evolution of the Netherlands during the Holocene, described and visualized in national, regional and local …
P Vos
Barkhuis, 2015
Barrier island management: Lessons from the past and directions for the future
AP Oost, P Hoekstra, A Wiersma, B Flemming, EJ Lammerts, M Pejrup, ...
Ocean & coastal management 68, 18-38, 2012
Sediment stabilization by benthic diatoms in intertidal sandy shoals; qualitative and quantitative observations
PC Vos, PL De Boer, R Misdorp
Symposium on clastic tidal deposits, 511-526, 1988
The effect of land reclamations and sediment extraction on the suspended sediment concentration in the Ems Estuary
DS Van Maren, AP Oost, ZB Wang, PC Vos
Marine Geology 376, 147-157, 2016
Paleo-modeling of coastal saltwater intrusion during the Holocene: an application to the Netherlands
JR Delsman, KRM Hu-A-Ng, PC Vos, PGB De Louw, GHP Oude Essink, ...
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 18 (10), 3891-3905, 2014
2e generatie palaeogeografische kaarten van Nederland (versie 2.0)
P Vos, S De Vries
Deltares, Utrecht, 2013
The long-term evolution of intertidal mudflats in the northern Netherlands during the Holocene; natural and anthropogenic processes
PC Vos, WP van Kesteren
Continental Shelf Research 20 (12-13), 1687-1710, 2000
Origin of the Dutch coastal landscape
PC Vos
Utrecht University, 2015
Understanding the cultural historical value of the Wadden Sea region. The co-evolution of environment and society in the Wadden Sea area in the Holocene up until early modern …
J Bazelmans, D Meier, A Nieuwhof, T Spek, P Vos
Ocean & Coastal Management 68, 114-126, 2012
Reconstruction of sedimentary environments in Holocene coastal deposits of the southwest Netherlands; the Poortvliet boring, a case study of palaeoenvironmental diatom research
PC Vos, H de Wolf
Hydrobiologia 269, 297-306, 1993
Holocene landscape reconstruction of the Wadden Sea area between Marsdiep and Weser: explanation of the coastal evolution and visualisation of the landscape development of the …
PC Vos, E Knol
Netherlands Journal of Geosciences 94 (2), 157-183, 2015
Late Holocene coastal-plain evolution of the Netherlands: the role of natural preconditions in human-induced sea ingressions
HJ Pierik, KM Cohen, PC Vos, AJF Van der Spek, E Stouthamer
Proceedings of the Geologists' Association 128 (2), 180-197, 2017
Zoden aan de dijk
J Bazelmans, DA Gerrets, P Vos
Noorderbreedte 6, 18-21, 1998
A sequence of marine terraces near Latina (Agro Pontino, Central Italy)
J Sevink, P Vos, WE Westerhoff, A Stierman, H Kamermans
Catena 9 (3-4), 361-378, 1982
De landschapsvorming tijdens de steentijd
P Vos, P Kiden
De Steentijd van Nederland. Archeologie 11 (12), 7-37, 2005
Learning from the past: diatoms as palaeoecological indicators of changes in marine environments
NJ Anderson, P Vos
Netherland Journal of Aquatic Ecology 26, 19-30, 1992
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