Daniel Re
Daniel Re
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Many Labs 3: Evaluating participant pool quality across the academic semester via replication
CR Ebersole, OE Atherton, AL Belanger, HM Skulborstad, JM Allen, ...
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 67, 68-82, 2016
You are what you eat: within-subject increases in fruit and vegetable consumption confer beneficial skin-color changes
RD Whitehead, D Re, D Xiao, G Ozakinci, DI Perrett
PloS one 7 (3), e32988, 2012
Preferences for very low and very high voice pitch in humans
DE Re, JJM O'Connor, PJ Bennett, DR Feinberg
PloS one 7 (3), e32719, 2012
Oxygenated-blood colour change thresholds for perceived facial redness, health, and attractiveness
DE Re, RD Whitehead, D Xiao, DI Perrett
PloS one 6 (3), e17859, 2011
What do you think of my ink? Assessing the effects of body art on employment chances
AR Timming, D Nickson, D Re, D Perrett
Human Resource Management 56 (1), 133-149, 2017
Voice pitch influences perceptions of sexual infidelity
JJM O'Connor, DE Re, DR Feinberg
Evolutionary Psychology 9 (1), 147470491100900109, 2011
African perceptions of female attractiveness
V Coetzee, SJ Faerber, JM Greeff, CE Lefevre, DE Re, DI Perrett
PloS one 7 (10), e48116, 2012
Faking it: deliberately altered voice pitch and vocal attractiveness
PJ Fraccaro, JJM O'Connor, DE Re, BC Jones, LM DeBruine, ...
Animal Behaviour 85 (1), 127-136, 2013
Facial cues to perceived height influence leadership choices in simulated war and peace contexts
DE Re, LM DeBruine, BC Jones, DI Perrett
Evolutionary Psychology 11 (1), 147470491301100109, 2013
Wound healing in the flight membranes of big brown bats
PA Faure, DE Re, EL Clare
Journal of Mammalogy 90 (5), 1148-1156, 2009
Looking like a leader–facial shape predicts perceived height and leadership ability
DE Re, DW Hunter, V Coetzee, BP Tiddeman, D Xiao, LM DeBruine, ...
PloS one 8 (12), e80957, 2013
Judging the health and attractiveness of female faces: Is the most attractive level of facial adiposity also considered the healthiest?
V Coetzee, D Re, DI Perrett, BP Tiddeman, D Xiao
Body Image 8 (2), 190-193, 2011
Catalytic oxidation of N-phenylamidrazones to 1, 3-diphenyl-1, 4-dihydro-1, 2, 4-benzotriazin-4-yls: An improved synthesis of Blatter’s radical
PA Koutentis, DL Re
Synthesis, 2075-2079, 2010
Female preferences for male vocal and facial masculinity in videos
JJM O’Connor, DR Feinberg, PJ Fraccaro, DJ Borak, CC Tigue, DE Re, ...
Ethology 118 (4), 321-330, 2012
Selfie indulgence: self-favoring biases in perceptions of selfies
DE Re, SA Wang, JC He, NO Rule
Social Psychological and Personality Science 7 (6), 588-596, 2016
Men's facial masculinity: When (body) size matters
IJ Holzleitner, DW Hunter, BP Tiddeman, A Seck, DE Re, DI Perrett
Perception 43 (11), 1191-1202, 2014
Influence of perceived height, masculinity, and age on each other and on perceptions of dominance in male faces
C Batres, DE Re, DI Perrett
Perception 44 (11), 1293-1309, 2015
The effects of facial adiposity on attractiveness and perceived leadership ability
DE Re, DI Perrett
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 67 (4), 676-686, 2014
Appearance and physiognomy.
DE Re, NO Rule
American Psychological Association, 2016
Apparent height and body mass index influence perceived leadership ability in three-dimensional faces
DE Re, M Dzhelyova, IJ Holzleitner, CC Tigue, DR Feinberg, DI Perrett
Perception 41 (12), 1477-1485, 2012
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