Viacheslav Voronin
Viacheslav Voronin
Ph.D., Moscow State University of Technology "STANKIN"
Local correlation ensemble with GCN based on attention features for cross-domain person Re-ID
Y Zhang, F Zhang, Y Jin, Y Cen, V Voronin, S Wan
ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications and Applications 19 …, 2023
Blind estimation of white Gaussian noise variance in highly textured images
M Ponomarenko, N Gapon, V Voronin, K Egiazarian
arXiv preprint arXiv:1711.10792, 2017
Pedestrian detection with super-resolution reconstruction for low-quality image
Y Jin, Y Zhang, Y Cen, Y Li, V Mladenovic, V Voronin
Pattern Recognition 115, 107846, 2021
Action recognition for the robotics and manufacturing automation using 3-D binary micro-block difference
V Voronin, M Zhdanova, E Semenishchev, A Zelenskii, Y Cen, S Agaian
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 117, 2319-2330, 2021
Численное решение интегрального уравнения I рода с логарифмической особенностью методом интерполяции и коллокации
ВВ Воронин, ВА Цецохо
Журнал вычислительной математики и математической физики 21 (1), 40-53, 1981
Обработка и преобразование сигналов в радиотехнических и инфокоммуникационных системах
КВ Анфалов, ВМ Артюшенко, ВИ Воловач, ВВ Воронин, НВ Гапон, ...
Государственное унитарное предприятие научно-техническое издательство" Радио …, 2014
Crack detection in paintings using convolutional neural networks
R Sizyakin, B Cornelis, L Meeus, H Dubois, M Martens, V Voronin
Ieee Access 8, 74535-74552, 2020
Thermal image enhancement algorithm using local and global logarithmic transform histogram matching with spatial equalization
V Voronin, S Tokareva, E Semenishchev, S Agaian
2018 IEEE Southwest Symposium on Image Analysis and Interpretation (SSIAI), 5-8, 2018
Automatic detection of welding defects using the convolutional neural network
R Sizyakin, V Voronin, N Gapon, A Zelensky, A Pižurica
Automated Visual Inspection and Machine Vision III 11061, 93-101, 2019
The solution of the problem of simplifying the images for the subsequent minimization of the image bit depth
E Semenishchev, V Voronin, I Shraifel
Václav Skala-UNION Agency, 2018
Face description using anisotropic gradient: thermal infrared to visible face recognition
Q Wan, SP Rao, A Kaszowska, V Voronin, K Panetta, HA Taylor, S Agaian
Mobile Multimedia/Image Processing, Security, and Applications 2018 10668 …, 2018
SURF binarization and fast codebook construction for image retrieval
SC Kan, YG Cen, Y Cen, YH Wang, V Voronin, V Mladenovic, M Zeng
Journal of visual communication and image representation 49, 104-114, 2017
Images reconstruction using modified exemplar based method
VV Voronin, VI Marchuk, KO Egiazarian
Image Processing: Algorithms and Systems IX 7870, 171-181, 2011
A new approach for controlling of curved cutting edges of toroid-shaped end-milling cutter
PM Pivkin, VA Grechishnikov, IV Minin, AA Ershov, V Voronin, AB Nadykto, ...
Dimensional Optical Metrology and Inspection for Practical Applications X …, 2021
Computation of equidistant curve for the image with blurred contours
SE Semenishchev, I Shraifel, V Viacheslav, E Ekaterina
Electronic Imaging 29, 90-96, 2017
Критерии и способы оценки качества смешивания сыпучих материалов
ВВ Воронин, КА Адигамов, СС Петренко, РА Сизякин
Инженерный вестник Дона 23 (4-2), 36, 2012
Underwater image enhancement algorithm based on logarithmic transform histogram matching with spatial equalization
V Voronin, E Semenishchev, S Tokareva, A Zelenskiy, S Agaian
2018 14th IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing (ICSP), 434-438, 2018
3-D block-rooting scheme with application to medical image enhancement
V Voronin, A Zelensky, S Agaian
IEEE Access 9, 3880-3893, 2020
Image inpainting using cubic spline-based edge reconstruction
VV Voronin, VI Marchuk, AI Sherstobitov, KO Egiazarian
Image Processing: Algorithms and Systems X; and Parallel Processing for …, 2012
Сети связи для подводных автономных роботизированных комплексов
В Федосов, С Тарасов, П Пивнев, В Воронин, С Кучерявенко, А Легин, ...
Litres, 2022
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