Xuan-Tung Truong
Xuan-Tung Truong
Le Quy Don Technical University
在 lqdtu.edu.vn 的电子邮件经过验证
Toward socially aware robot navigation in dynamic and crowded environments: A proactive social motion model
XT Truong, TD Ngo
IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering 14 (4), 1743-1760, 2017
Fire flame detection in video sequences using multi-stage pattern recognition techniques
TX Truong, JM Kim
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 25 (7), 1365-1372, 2012
An effective four-stage smoke-detection algorithm using video images for early fire-alarm systems
TX Tung, JM Kim
Fire Safety Journal 46 (5), 276-282, 2011
“To Approach Humans?”: A Unified Framework for Approaching Pose Prediction and Socially Aware Robot Navigation
XT Truong, TD Ngo
IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems, 2017
Dynamic social zone based mobile robot navigation for human comfortable safety in social environments
XT Truong, TD Ngo
International Journal of Social Robotics 8 (5), 663-684, 2016
RGB-D and laser data fusion-based human detection and tracking for socially aware robot navigation framework
XT Truong, VN Yoong, TD Ngo
Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO), 2015 IEEE International Conference on, 608-613, 2015
Socially aware robot navigation system in human interactive environments
XT Truong, VN Yoong, TD Ngo
Intelligent Service Robotics 10 (4), 287-295, 2017
Dynamic social zone for human safety in human-robot shared workspaces
XT Truong, VN Yoong, TD Ngo
Ubiquitous Robots and Ambient Intelligence (URAI), 2014 11th International …, 2014
An early smoke detection system based on motion estimation
TX Truong, JM Kim
Strategic Technology (IFOST), 2010 International Forum on, 437-440, 2010
Socially Aware Robot Navigation Using Deep Reinforcement Learning
TX Tung, TD Ngo
2018 IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical & Computer Engineering (CCECE), 1-5, 2018
Socially Aware Robot Navigation Framework: Where and How to Approach People in Dynamic Social Environments
TD Ngo, XT Truong
IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 2022
Improving the accuracy of the autonomous mobile robot localization systems based on the multiple sensor fusion methods
LA Nguyen, PT Dung, TD Ngo, XT Truong
2019 3rd International Conference on Recent Advances in Signal Processing …, 2019
Deep Learning-based Multiple Objects Detection and Tracking System for Socially Aware Mobile Robot Navigation Framework
LA Nguyen, PT Dung, TD Khoa, NH Son, NT Hiep, P Van Nguyen, ...
2018 5th NAFOSTED Conference on Information and Computer Science (NICS), 436-441, 2018
Efficient video-equipped fire detection approach for automatic fire alarm systems
M Kang, TX Tung, JM Kim
Optical Engineering 52 (1), 017002, 2013
Towards culturally aware robot navigation
XT Truong, YS Ou, TD Ngo
Real-time Computing and Robotics (RCAR), IEEE International Conference on, 63-69, 2016
A Proactive Trajectory Planning Algorithm for Autonomous Mobile Robots in Dynamic Social Environments
LA Nguyen, TD Pham, TD Ngo, XT Truong
2020 17th International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots (UR), 309-314, 2020
Fire detection in video using genetic-based neural networks
TX Truong, Y Kim, J Kim
Information Science and Applications (ICISA), 2011 International Conference …, 2011
2D Laser and 3D Camera Data Integration and Filtering for Human Trajectory Tracking
H Bozorgi, XT Truong, HM La, TD Ngo
2021 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration (SII), 634-639, 2021
Social interactive intention prediction and categorization
XT Truong, TD Ngo
ICRA 2019 Workshop on MoRobAE-Mobile Robot Assistants for the Elderly …, 2019
Social constraints-based socially aware navigation framework for mobile service robots
LA Nguyen, TD Quang, XT Truong
2020 7th NAFOSTED Conference on Information and Computer Science (NICS), 84-89, 2020
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