Damien Philippon
Damien Philippon
PhD Student, School of Public Health, The University of Hong Kong
在 connect.hku.hk 的电子邮件经过验证
Building, composing and experimenting complex spatial models with the GAMA platform
P Taillandier, B Gaudou, A Grignard, QN Huynh, N Marilleau, P Caillou, ...
GeoInformatica 23, 299-322, 2019
Avian influenza human infections at the human-animal interface
DAM Philippon, P Wu, BJ Cowling, EHY Lau
The Journal of Infectious Diseases 222 (4), 528-537, 2020
Comokit: A modeling kit to understand, analyze, and compare the impacts of mitigation policies against the covid-19 epidemic at the scale of a city
B Gaudou, NQ Huynh, D Philippon, A Brugière, K Chapuis, P Taillandier, ...
Frontiers in public health 8, 563247, 2020
Participatory modeling and simulation with the gama platform
P Taillandier, A Grignard, N Marilleau, D Philippon, QN Huynh, B Gaudou, ...
Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation 22 (2), 1-19, 2019
Designing social simulation to (seriously) support decision-making: COMOKIT, an agent-based modelling toolkit to analyse and compare the impacts of public health interventions …
A Drogoul, P Taillandier, B Gaudou, M Choisy, K Chapuis, NH Quang, ...
Review of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation-RofASSS, 2020
Exploring trade and health policies influence on dengue spread with an agent-based model
D Philippon, M Choisy, A Drogoul, B Gaudou, N Marilleau, P Taillandier, ...
Multi-Agent Based Simulation XVII: International Workshop, MABS 2016 …, 2017
Lessons from implementing in parallel with 3 platforms the same didactic agent-based model
C Le Page, G Abrami, N Becu, P Bommel, B Bonte, F Bousquet, ...
Epidemiological Risks and Integration of Health Policies on a Regional Scale: Modelling to Make Better Decisions
M Choisy, A Drogoul, B Gaudou, N Marilleau, D Philippon, TQ Truong, ...
10ème édition des Journées de Tam Dao 2016: Les enjeux de la transition …, 2016
Large-scale Epidemiological Modelling: Exploring the Impact of the ASEAN Economic Corridors Policy on the Dengue Fever Epidemic
A Drogoul, M Choisy, B Gaudou, N Marilleau, D Philippon
ASM Science Journal, 69-71, 2017
Large-scale epidemiological modeling: exploring the impact of ASEAN «economic corridors policy» on the spread and management of Dengue fever epidemics (poster)
A Drogoul, M Choisy, B Gaudou, N Marilleau, D Philippon
Conference ICT/BIO ASIA 2016 Regional Workshop, 2016
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