Alice de Boer
Alice de Boer
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在 scp.nl 的电子邮件经过验证
Providing informal care in a changing society
MI Broese van Groenou, A De Boer
European journal of ageing 13, 271-279, 2016
Positive and negative evaluation of caregiving among three different types of informal care relationships
MI Broese van Groenou, A de Boer, J Iedema
European journal of ageing 10, 301-311, 2013
The impact of informal care-giving networks on adult children's care-giver burden
N Tolkacheva, MB Van Groenou, A De Boer, T Van Tilburg
Ageing & Society 31 (1), 34-51, 2011
Reproducibility of childhood respiratory symptom questions
B Brunekreef, B Groot, B Rijcken, G Hoek, A Steenbekkers, A De Boer
European Respiratory Journal 5 (8), 930-935, 1992
Are informal caregivers less happy than noncaregivers? Happiness and the intensity of caregiving in combination with paid and voluntary work
C van Campen, AH de Boer, J Iedema
Scandinavian journal of caring sciences 27 (1), 44-50, 2013
The use of information and communication technologies by older people with cognitive impairments: from barriers to benefits
M Blok, E van Ingen, AH de Boer, M Slootman
Computers in Human Behavior 104, 106173, 2020
Rapportage ouderen 2006
A Boer
Mantelzorg, een overzicht van de steun van en aan mantelzorgers in 2007
A De Boer, MIB Van Groenou, J Timmermans
Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau, 2009
Informele zorg in Nederland
A Boer, M Klerk
Informal caregivers’ views on the division of responsibilities between themselves and professionals: A scoping review
AB Yvette Wittenberg, Rick Kwekkeboom, Janneke Staaks, Arnoud Verhoeff
Health Soc Care Community, 1-14, 2017
Mantelzorg uit de doeken
D Oudijk, A Boer, I Woittiez, J Timmermans, M Klerk
More family responsibility, more informal care? The effect of motivation on the giving of informal care by people aged over 50 in the Netherlands compared to other European …
D Oudijk, I Woittiez, A de Boer
Health policy 101 (3), 228-235, 2011
De toekomst van de mantelzorg
K Sadiraj, J Timmermans, M Ras, A Boer
Kijk op informele zorg
A de Boer
Sociaal en Cultureel Planbu, 2005
Male and Female Partner-Caregivers’ Burden: Does It Get Worse Over Time?
TT Joukje C. Swinkels, Marjolein I. Broese van Groenou, Alice de Boer
Gerontologist, 2018
Voor elkaar?: stand van de informele hulp in 2016
M de Klerk, A de Boer, I Plaisier, P Schyns
Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau, 2017
Informele hulp: Wie doet er wat?: omvang, aard en kenmerken van mantelzorg en vrijwilligerswerk in de zorg en ondersteuning in 2014
M de Klerk, A de Boer, I Plaisier, P Schyns, S Kooiker
Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau, 2015
The Hidden Passenger of Lucky Bamboo: Do Imported Aedes albopictus Mosquitoes Cause Dengue Virus Transmission in the Netherlands?
A Hofhuis, J Reimerink, C Reusken, EJ Scholte, A Boer, W Takken, ...
Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases 9 (2), 217-220, 2009
Well-being and Need for Support of Adolescents with a Chronically Ill Family Member
SMB Simone A. de Roos, Alice H. de Boer
J Child Fam Stud, 2016
Concurrentie tussen mantelzorg en betaald werk
E Josten, A Boer
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