A research synthesis of the associations between socioeconomic background, inequality, school climate, and academic achievement R Berkowitz, H Moore, RA Astor, R Benbenishty Review of educational research 87 (2), 425-469, 2017 | 958 | 2017 |
School violence in context: Culture, neighborhood, family, school, and gender R Benbenishty, RA Astor Oxford University Press, 2005 | 891 | 2005 |
Unowned places and times: Maps and interviews about violence in high schools RA Astor, HA Meyer, WJ Behre American educational research journal 36 (1), 3-42, 1999 | 565 | 1999 |
The contributions of community, family, and school variables to student victimization M Khoury-Kassabri, R Benbenishty, R Avi Astor, A Zeira American journal of community psychology 34 (3-4), 187-204, 2004 | 472 | 2004 |
How can we improve school safety research? RA Astor, N Guerra, R Van Acker Educational researcher 39 (1), 69-78, 2010 | 410 | 2010 |
School violence and theoretically atypical schools: The principal’s centrality in orchestrating safe schools RA Astor, R Benbenishty, JN Estrada American Educational Research Journal 46 (2), 423-461, 2009 | 327 | 2009 |
School climate, observed risky behaviors, and victimization as predictors of high school students’ fear and judgments of school violence as a problem RA Astor, R Benbenishty, A Zeira, A Vinokur Health Education & Behavior 29 (6), 716-736, 2002 | 282 | 2002 |
Students' reports of violence against teachers in Taiwanese schools JK Chen, RA Astor Journal of school violence 8 (1), 2-17, 2008 | 281 | 2008 |
Children's moral reasoning about family and peer violence: The role of provocation and retribution RA Astor Child development 65 (4), 1054-1067, 1994 | 265 | 1994 |
Elementary and middle school students' perceptions of violence-prone school subcontexts RA Astor, HA Meyer, RO Pitner The elementary school journal 101 (5), 511-528, 2001 | 251 | 2001 |
School safety interventions: Best practices and programs RA Astor, HA Meyer, R Benbenishty, R Marachi, M Rosemond Children & Schools 27 (1), 17-32, 2005 | 241 | 2005 |
Testing the causal links between school climate, school violence, and school academic performance: A cross-lagged panel autoregressive model R Benbenishty, RA Astor, I Roziner, SL Wrabel Educational Researcher 45 (3), 197-206, 2016 | 233 | 2016 |
The children of military service members: Challenges, supports, and future educational research KMT De Pedro, RA Astor, R Benbenishty, J Estrada, GRD Smith, ... Review of Educational Research 81 (4), 566-618, 2011 | 217 | 2011 |
Middle Eastern adolescents' perpetration of school violence against peers and teachers: A cross-cultural and ecological analysis M Khoury-Kassabri, RA Astor, R Benbenishty Journal of interpersonal violence 24 (1), 159-182, 2009 | 201 | 2009 |
Well-being and suicidal ideation of secondary school students from military families JA Cederbaum, TD Gilreath, R Benbenishty, RA Astor, D Pineda, ... Journal of Adolescent Health 54 (6), 672-677, 2014 | 174 | 2014 |
School violence in Taiwan: Examining how Western risk factors predict school violence in an Asian culture JK Chen, R Avi Astor Journal of Interpersonal Violence 25 (8), 1388-1410, 2010 | 174 | 2010 |
Children’s reports of emotional, physical and sexual maltreatment by educational staff in Israel R Benbenishty, A Zeira, RA Astor Child abuse & neglect 26 (8), 763-782, 2002 | 172 | 2002 |
The effects of school climate, socioeconomics, and cultural factors on student victimization in Israel M Khoury-Kassabri, R Benbenishty, RA Astor Social Work Research 29 (3), 165-180, 2005 | 164 | 2005 |
School violence in Israel: Findings of a national survey A Zeira, RA Astor, R Benbenishty Social Work 48 (4), 471-483, 2003 | 161 | 2003 |
Parental involvement and perceptions of school climate in California R Berkowitz, RA Astor, D Pineda, KT DePedro, EL Weiss, R Benbenishty Urban Education 56 (3), 393-423, 2021 | 158 | 2021 |