Crowd-Based City Logistics A Sampaio, M Savelsbergh, L Veelentruf, T Woensel Sustainable Transportation and Smart Logistics 1, 381-400, 2018 | 110 | 2018 |
Delivery systems with crowd‐sourced drivers: A pickup and delivery problem with transfers A Sampaio, M Savelsbergh, LP Veelenturf, T Van Woensel Networks 76 (2), 232-255, 2020 | 64 | 2020 |
New formulation and branch‐and‐cut algorithm for the pickup and delivery traveling salesman problem with multiple stacks AH Sampaio, S Urrutia International Transactions in Operational Research 24 (1-2), 77-98, 2017 | 23 | 2017 |
A scenario-based approach for the vehicle routing problem with roaming delivery locations under stochastic travel times AS Oliveira, J Kinable, L Veelenturf, T Van Woensel | 16 | 2019 |
The benefits of transfers in crowdsourced pickup-and-delivery systems A Sampaio, M Savelsbergh, LP Veelenturf, T Van Woensel Optimization Online, 2018 | 8 | 2018 |
A decomposition approach to solve the quay crane scheduling problem A Sampaio, S Urrutia, J Oppen arXiv preprint arXiv:1604.00527, 2016 | 4 | 2016 |
Um Método de Otimização Irrestrita Baseado em Busca Sobre a Curva Trust-Region AH Sampaio, RHC Takahashi Simpósio Brasileiro de Pesquisa Operacional, 3135-3146, 2012 | 1 | 2012 |
Crowd-Based City Logistics (Chapter 15) A Sampaio, M Savelsbergh, L Veelenturf, T Van Woensel | | 2019 |
Projeto de uma Biblioteca Paralela de Grafos P Samer, AH Sampaio, A Milanés, S Urrutia | | 2012 |
Designing a Multicore Graph Library P Samer, AH Sampaio, A Milanés, S Urrutia 2012 IEEE 10th International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed …, 2012 | | 2012 |
Infra-Estrutura Computacional do UFMG Virtual AH Sampaio, GF Ferreira, VC Dos Santos Anais do Congresso Nacional Universidade, EAD e Software Livre 1 (2), 0 | | |