alenka flander
alenka flander
在 cmepius.si 的电子邮件经过验证
Evaluation of the Impact of the ERASMUS Programme on Higher Education in Slovenia
M Klemenčič, A Flander, MŽ Pečjak
Centre of the Republic of Slovenia for Mobility and European Educational and …, 2013
Is a mobile student also a more employable student? Research on employers’ perceptions of academic mobility
A Flander
Paths to internationalization: Higher education policies, trends, and …, 2011
Je mobilni študent tudi bolj zaposljiv? Raziskava o pogledu delodajalcev na študijsko mobilnost
A Flander
Poti internacionalizacije: politike, trendi in strategije v visokem šolstvu …, 2011
Movilidad internacional de estudiantes y empleabilidad. La visión de los empleadores
VV Geldres, MIR de Almeida, A Flander
CTS: Revista iberoamericana de ciencia, tecnología y sociedad 10 (30), 113-141, 2015
Will Academics Drive or Obstruct the Slovenian Government’ s Internationalisation Agenda for Higher Education?
A Flander, M Klem
Center for Educational Policy Studies Journal 4 (2), 27-48, 2014
The determinants of external engagement of hard scientists: A study of generational and country differences in Europe
S Pekşen, A Queirós, A Flander, L Leišytė, V Tenhunen
Higher Education Policy 34 (1), 18-41, 2021
How Teaching and Research Nexus in Academic Attitudes, Behaviours and System of Promotion Influences Academic Satisfaction? Case Study of Croatia and Slovenia.
A Flander, N Roncevic, S Kocar
Higher education forum 17, 177-205, 2020
Academic profession and the conditions of academic work in Slovenia: findings of the 2013 EUROAC survey
M Klemenčič, A Flander, MŽ Pečjak
Centre of the Republic of Slovenia for Mobility and European Educational and …, 2015
Hidden Competences
J Leppanen, M Saarinen, M Airas
Faktaa. Facts and Figures 1, 2014, 2014
Evalvacija učinkov programa Erasmus na visoko šolstvo v Sloveniji
M Klemenčič, A Flander, M Žagar Pečjak
Center RS za mobilnost in evropske programe izobraževanja in usposabljanja, 2013
Do international traineeships have more impact on the development of cognitive, interpersonal and intrapersonal competences than study abroad? A case study of Slovene student …
A Flander, B Korada
Portuguese Journal of Social Science 19 (2-3), 155-187, 2020
Pogoji akademskega dela v Sloveniji: ugotovitve študije EUROAC 2013
M Klemenčič, A Flander, MŽ Pečjak
Center RS za mobilnost in evropske programe izobraževanja in usposabljanja, 2015
The conditions of academic work in Slovenia: Findings from the 2013 EUROAC Survey
M Klemenčič, A Flander, M Žagar Pečjak
Ljubljana: CMEPIUS, 2014
Early Career Academics and Internationalization
A Flander, P Guzmán, CP Schilter, P Tulppo, C Da Wan
Internationalization and the Academic Profession: Comparative Perspectives …, 2023
Impact of internationalisation strategies on academics’ international research activities–Case study of the three HE peripheries: Slovenia, Croatia and Lithuania
A Flander, S Kočar, B Ćulum Ilić, L Leišytė, S Pekşen, N Rončević
From Actors to Reforms in European Higher Education: A Festschrift for Pavel …, 2022
Razvoj kompetenc s pomočjo mednarodne študentske mobilnosti: primerjava Slovenija-Združene države Amerike
A Flander
A. Flander, 2012
Correction to: Early Career Academics and Internationalization
A Flander, P Guzmán, CP Schilter, P Tulppo, C Da Wan
Internationalization and the Academic Profession: Comparative Perspectives …, 2023
fpage=" 113" lpage=" 141" issn=" 1850-0013"][ign] ARTÍCULOS [front][titlegrp][title language=" es"] Movilidad internacional de estudiantes y empleabilidad: La visión de los …
VV Geldres, MI Ribeiro de Almeida, A Flander
Revista iberoamericana de ciencia tecnología y sociedad 10 (30), 2015
Mobilidade internacional de estudantes e empregabilidade: A visão dos empregadores
VV Geldres, MI Ribeiro de Almeida, A Flander
Revista iberoamericana de ciencia tecnología y sociedad 10 (30), 2015
Movilidad internacional de estudiantes y empleabilidade: la vision de los empleadores
VV Geldres, MIR Almeida, A Flander
Revista Iberoamenricana de Ciencia, Tecnología y Sociedad 10 (30), 1-26, 2015
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