JCS Kadupitiya
JCS Kadupitiya
Research Assistant
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Learning everywhere: Pervasive machine learning for effective high-performance computation
G Fox, JA Glazier, JCS Kadupitiya, V Jadhao, M Kim, J Qiu, JP Sluka, ...
2019 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium …, 2019
Machine learning surrogates for molecular dynamics simulations of soft materials
JCS Kadupitiya, F Sun, G Fox, V Jadhao
Journal of Computational Science 42, 101107, 2020
Solving Newton’s equations of motion with large timesteps using recurrent neural networks based operators
JCS Kadupitiya, GC Fox, V Jadhao
Machine Learning: Science and Technology 3 (2), 025002, 2022
Machine learning for parameter auto-tuning in molecular dynamics simulations: Efficient dynamics of ions near polarizable nanoparticles
JCS Kadupitiya, GC Fox, V Jadhao
The International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications 34 (3 …, 2020
Machine learning for performance enhancement of molecular dynamics simulations
JCS Kadupitiya, GC Fox, V Jadhao
International Conference on Computational Science, 116-130, 2019
Modeling the temporally constrained preemptions of transient cloud vms
JCS Kadupitige, V Jadhao, P Sharma
Proceedings of the 29th International Symposium on High-Performance Parallel …, 2020
Sinhala short sentence similarity calculation using corpus-based and knowledge-based similarity measures
JCS Kadupitiya, S Ranathunga, G Dias
Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on South and Southeast Asian Natural …, 2016
Probing the rheological properties of liquids under conditions of elastohydrodynamic lubrication using simulations and machine learning
JCS Kadupitiya, V Jadhao
Tribology Letters 69 (3), 82, 2021
Optimizing RF energy harvester design for low power applications by integrating multi stage voltage doubler on patch antenna
JCS Kadupitiya, TN Abeythunga, P Ranathunga, DS De Silva
2015 8th international conference on Ubi-Media computing (UMEDIA), 335-338, 2015
Automated assessment of multi-step answers for mathematical word problems
JCS Kadupitiya, S Ranathunga, G Dias
2016 Sixteenth International Conference on Advances in ICT for Emerging …, 2016
Ions in nanoconfinement
K Kadupitiya, N Anousheh, S Marru, GC Fox, V Jadhao
Online on nanoHUB, 2017
Designing surface charge patterns for shape control of deformable nanoparticles
NE Brunk, JCS Kadupitiya, V Jadhao
Physical Review Letters 125 (24), 248001, 2020
Learning Everywhere: Pervasive machine learning for effective High-Performance computation: Application background
G Fox, JA Glazier, JCS Kadupitiya, V Jadhao, M Kim, J Qiu, JP Sluka, ...
Technical report, Indiana University, 2019
Nanosphere electrostatics lab
JCS Kadupitiya, N Brunk, S Ali, GC Fox, V Jadhao
DOI: doi 10, D3WP9T88, 2018
Automatic assessment of student answers consisting of venn and euler diagrams
DB Wijesinghe, J Kadupitiya, S Ranathunga, G Dias
2017 IEEE 17th international conference on advanced learning technologies …, 2017
Intersection of hpc and machine learning
K Kadupitige
Digital Science Center, 2017
Scispot: Scientific computing on temporally constrained cloud preemptible vms
JCS Kadupitiya, V Jadhao, P Sharma
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 33 (12), 3575-3588, 2022
Integrating machine learning with hpc-driven simulations for enhanced student learning
V Jadhao, JCS Kadupitiya
2020 IEEE/ACM Workshop on Education for High-Performance Computing (EduHPC …, 2020
Machine learning for auto-tuning of simulation parameters in car-parrinello molecular dynamics
JC Kadupitige, G Fox, V Jadhao
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2019, K21. 010, 2019
Nanoparticle shape lab
J Kadupitiya, N Brunk, V Jadhao
January, 2020
文章 1–20