Aqdas Malik
Aqdas Malik
Assistant Professor, Sultan Qaboos University, Oman
在 squ.edu.om 的电子邮件经过验证
Uses and Gratifications of Digital Photo Sharing on Facebook
A Malik, A Dhir, M Nieminen
Telematics and Informatics 33 (1), 129-138, 2016
Uses and Gratifications of Pokémon Go: Why do People Play Mobile Location-based Augmented Reality Games?
J Hamari, A Malik, J Koski, A Johri
International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction 35 (9), 804-819, 2019
Correlates of social media fatigue and academic performance decrement: A large cross-sectional study
A Malik, A Dhir, P Kaur, A Johri
Information Technology & People 34 (2), 557-580, 2020
Use of Twitter across educational settings: a review of the literature
A Malik, C Heyman-Schrum, A Johri
International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education 16 (1), 1-22, 2019
Gamification for older adults: a systematic literature review
J Koivisto, A Malik
The Gerontologist 61 (7), e360-e372, 2021
Impact of Privacy, Trust, and User Activity on Intentions to Share Facebook Photos
A Malik, K Hiekkanen, A Dhir, M Nieminen
Journal of Information, Communication & Ethics in Society 14 (4), 2016
Public health agencies outreach through Instagram during the COVID-19 pandemic: Crisis and Emergency Risk Communication perspective
A Malik, ML Khan, A Quan-Haase
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 61, 102346, 2021
Public engagement model to analyze digital diplomacy on Twitter: A social media analytics framework
ML Khan, M Ittefaq, YIM Pantoja, MM Raziq, A Malik
International Journal of Communication 15, 29, 2021
How players across gender and age experience Pokémon Go?
A Malik, K Hiekkanen, Z Hussain, J Hamari, A Johri
Universal Access in the Information Society 19, 799-812, 2020
Privacy and trust in Facebook photo sharing: age and gender differences
A Malik, K Hiekkanen, M Nieminen
Program 50 (4), 462-480, 2016
Characterizing vaping posts on Instagram by using unsupervised machine learning
V Ketonen, A Malik
International journal of medical informatics 141, 104223, 2020
Live, Love, Juul: User and Content Analysis of Twitter Posts about Juul.
A Malik, Y Li, H Karbasian, J Hamari, A Johri
American Journal of Health Behavior 43 (2), 2019
Conflicting attitudes: Analyzing social media data to understand the early discourse on COVID-19 passports
ML Khan, A Malik, U Ruhi, A Al-Busaidi
Technology in Society 68, 101830, 2022
Getting healthy by catching them all: a study on the relationship between player orientations and perceived health benefits in an augmented reality game
J Koivisto, A Malik, B Gurkan, J Hamari
How is ChatGPT transforming academia? Examining its impact on teaching, research, assessment, and learning
A Malik, ML Khan, K Hussain
Examining its impact on teaching, research, assessment, and learning (April …, 2023
How Diverse Users and Activities Trigger Connective Action via Social Media: Lessons from the Twitter Hashtag Campaign# ILookLikeAnEngineer
A Johri, H Karbasian, A Malik, R Handa, H Purohit
In Proceedings of the 51st Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2018
Immunity debt or vaccination crisis? A multi-method evidence on vaccine acceptance and media framing for emerging COVID-19 variants
M Yousaf, SH Raza, N Mahmood, R Core, U Zaman, A Malik
Vaccine 40 (12), 1855-1863, 2022
Facebook Photo Tagging Culture and Practices Among Digital Natives
A Malik, D Amandeep, M Nieminen
Fifth International Symposium on Communicability, Computer Graphics and …, 2015
Instagram as a research tool for examining tobacco-related content: A methodological review
A Malik, W Berggren, AS Al-Busaidi
Technology in Society 70, 102008, 2022
Social media use in higher education during the COVID-19 pandemic: A systematic literature review
W Al Balushi, F Al-Busaidi, A Malik, Z Al-Salti
International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET) 17 (24), 4-24, 2022
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