Widya Rosita
Widya Rosita
在 ugm.ac.id 的电子邮件经过验证
Sequential particle-size and magnetic separation for enrichment of rare-earth elements and yttrium in Indonesia coal fly ash
W Rosita, IM Bendiyasa, I Perdana, F Anggara
Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 8 (1), 103575, 2020
Recovery of rare earth elements and Yttrium from Indonesia coal fly ash using sulphuric acid leaching
W Rosita, I Bendiyasa, I Perdana, F Anggara
AIP Conference Proceedings 2223 (1), 2020
Characterization and mode of occurrence of rare earth elements and yttrium in fly and bottom ash from coal-fired power plants in Java, Indonesia
DAA Besari, F Anggara, W Rosita, HTBM Petrus
International Journal of Coal Science & Technology 9 (1), 20, 2022
Iron bearing oxide minerals separation from rare earth elements (REE) rich coal fly ash
ND Nugroho, W Rosita, I Perdana, IM Bendiyasa, FR Mufakhir, W Astuti
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 478 (1), 012026, 2019
The performance of various pozzolanic materials in improving quality of strontium liquid waste cementation
SH Putero, W Rosita, HB Santosa, R Budiarto
Procedia Environmental Sciences 17, 703-710, 2013
Experimental study of rare earth element enrichment from Indonesian coal fly ash: alkaline leaching
W Rosita, IM Bendiyasa, I Perdana, F Anggara
Key Engineering Materials 840, 514-519, 2020
Recovery of Rare earth elements and yitrium from non-magnetic coal fly ash using acetic acid solution
H Manurung, W Rosita, IM Bendiyasa, A Prasetya, F Anggara, W Astuti, ...
Metal Indonesia 42 (1), 35-42, 2020
Performance evaluation of compressor anti-surge control based on model predictive in ammonia plant
S Daniarta, ANI Wardana, W Rosita
2016 International Seminar on Application for Technology of Information and …, 2016
Indonesia’s Local Material Effect in Clay-Based Ceramic Filter Fabrication as an Alternative for Liquid Radioactive Waste Processing Material
W Rosita, AWY Pamungkas, TJ Prihatin
Materials Sciences and Applications 7 (7), 371-379, 2016
Sequential alkaline-organic acid leaching process to enhance the recovery of rare earth elements from Indonesian coal fly ash
W Rosita, I Perdana, IM Bendiyasa, F Anggara, HTBM Petrus, A Prasetya, ...
Journal of Rare Earths 42 (7), 1366-1374, 2024
Leaching of REY from non-magnetic coal fly ash with acetic acid
H Manurung, W Rosita, F Anggara, H Petrus, IM Bendiyasa
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 778 (1), 012005, 2020
Potency of rare earth elements and yttrium in Indonesia coal ash
W Rosita, DAA Besari, IM Bendiyasa, I Perdana, F Anggara, HTBM Petrus
Key Engineering Materials 849, 102-107, 2020
Detection and quantification of valve stiction based on normality test and Hammerstein system identification
YCA Hutabarat, ANI Wardana, W Rosita
AIP Conference Proceedings 1755 (1), 2016
The challenges and opportunities in developing nuclear engineering education in Indonesia after Fukushima accident
SH Putero, W Rosita, F Sihana, HB Santosa, A Muharini
International Conference on Nuclear Engineering 55829, V005T12A002, 2013
Studi Koefisien Atenuasi Kulit Sintetis dengan Bahan Isian Pb (NO3) 2 untuk Bahan Apron Proteksi Radiasi pada Instalasi Radiodiagnostik
A Muharini, W Rosita
Pertemuan dan Presentasi Ilmiah Penelitian Dasar Ilmu Pengetahuan dan …, 2017
Challenge in the Public Acceptance and Cooperation on the Verge of Building the First Nuclear Power Plant in Indonesia
SH Putero, HB Santosa, W Rosita
International Conference on Nuclear Engineering 44953, 819-822, 2012
Performance of cement for immobilizing strontium waste in saline environment
SH Putero, W Rosita
Materials Sciences and Applications 4 (12), 7-11, 2013
Amorphous silicate decomposition from non-magnetic coal fly ash using sodium hydroxide
H Manurung, W Rosita, H Petrus, IM Bendiyasa
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 742 (1), 012041, 2020
The composition and mode of occurence of rare earth elements and yttrium in fly and bottom ash from coal-fired power plants in Java, Indonesia
F Anggara, DAA Bestari, W Rosita, HTBM Petrus
The Society for Organic Petrology (TSOP), 2018
Komparasi Metode Deteksi Friksi Statis Katup Berbasis Pencocokan Grafis
D Kristanto, A NI Wardana, W Rosita
Jurnal Otomasi, Kontrol & Instrumentasi 8 (2), 165, 2016
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