Ede Mehta Wardhana
Ede Mehta Wardhana
在 ne.its.ac.id 的电子邮件经过验证
Analysis of Gottingen 428 airfoil turbine Propeller Design with Computational Fluid dynamics method on gravitational water vortex power plant
EM Wardhana, A Santoso, AR Ramdani
International Journal of Marine Engineering Innovation and Research 3 (3), 2019
Harvesting contact-separation-compression vibrations using a flexible and compressible triboelectric generator
EM Wardhana, H Mutsuda, Y Tanaka, T Nakashima, T Kanehira, ...
Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 42, 100869, 2020
Characteristics of electric performance and key factors of a hybrid piezo/triboelectric generator for wave energy harvesting
EM Wardhana, H Mutsuda, Y Tanaka, T Nakashima, T Kanehira, S Maeda, ...
Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 50, 101757, 2022
Heat transfer analysis of thermal oil plant on fuel oil tanks of 17500 LTDW product oil tanker
TF Nugroho, W Busse, EM Wardhana, JIO Panggabean
International Journal of Marine Engineering Innovation and Research 2 (2), 2020
Cooling system design for cold storage of traditional Fishing Boat using insulation from Rice husk
MA Abidin, A Baheramsyah, EM Wardhana
International Journal of Marine Engineering Innovation and Research 3 (1), 2019
Desain Kotak Pendingin pada Kapal Nelayan Tradisional menggunakan Insulasi Campuran Serbuk Gergaji Kayu Sengon (Paraserianthes Falcataria (L.) Nielsen) dan Jerami
PL Sihombing
Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, 2018
Utilization of mixture of teak wood sawdust and bagasse fiber using treatment of fiber variations and alkali NaOH immersion as a refrigerator insulation material
A Baheramsyah, EM Wardhana, ATR Kisserah
International Journal of Marine Engineering Innovation and Research 4 (2), 2019
Analysis of Palm Fiber and Coconut Coir Usage as Purse Seine Cargo Chamber Insulator
A Baheramsyah, EM Wardhana, MA Husein
International Journal of Marine Engineering Innovation and Research 3 (1), 2018
Perencanaan awal tata letak galangan kapal di daerah kawasan lahan terbuka
M Soetardjo, EM Wardhana, A Bisri
Applied Technology and Computing Science Journal 1 (1), 52-63, 2018
The preliminary study of artificial intelligence based on convolutional neural network as a corrosion detection tool on ship structures
N Siswantoro, T Pitana, TR Nurdiansyah, MB Zaman, D Priyanta, ...
AIP Conference Proceedings 2482 (1), 2023
Stress Analysis of Land Subsidence Effect on Header Pipe 12 Inch in LPG Station Semarang
TF Nugroho, EM Wardhana, RN Azmi
International Journal of Marine Engineering Innovation and Research 2 (4), 2018
Carbon Footprint Estimation for Pole and Line Fishing Vessel According to Its Operation Mode -Study Case at Papua Fisheries
EM Wardhana, T Pitana, I Suryanto
Journal of Ocean, Mechanical and Aerospace -Science and Engineering- 30, 20, 2016
Optimizing Ocean Energy Harvesting: The Significance of Natural Frequency in Piezoelectric Generator Device Electrical Output
EM Wardhana, M Soetardjo, S Semin, A Santoso, SP Fitri
International Journal of Marine Engineering Innovation and Research 8 (4), 2023
Discrete vortex prediction of flows around a cylinder near a wall using overlapping grid system
W Wardhana, EM Wardhana, M Soetardjo
Fluids 6 (6), 211, 2021
Design innovation of fish cooling system using liquefied petroleum gas fuel
M Kadhafi, R Nurdiani, A Baidowi, EM Wardhana
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 493 (1), 012035, 2020
Coolbox design for traditional fishing vessel using sengon wood (paraserianthes falcataria (l.) Nielsen) sawdust and rice straw insulation
A Baheramsyah, EM Wardhana, PL Sihombing
International Journal of Marine Engineering Innovation and Research 3 (2), 2019
Analisa tegangan dan penempatan mooring pada pontoon pembangkit listrik tenaga laut sistem bandulan, Skripsi, Dept
EM Wardhana
Of Marine Engineering, ITS, Surabaya, 2013
Harvesting ocean energy using a hybrid type of nanogenerator with PENG and TENG
EM Wardhana, H Mutsuda, Y Tanaka, T Nakashima, T Kanehira, ...
ISOPE International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, ISOPE-I-21-1247, 2021
Naval Architectural Aspects in The Design of a Hybrid Hydrofoil-Submarine Craft
W Wardhana, EM Wardhana, M Soetardjo, OF Nichita
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1052 (1), 012010, 2021
Analyze of Crocodile Ship Prototype Hull Resistance in Hydrofoil Mode
W Wardhana, M Soetardjo, E Wardhana, S Sujantoko
EasyChair, 2020
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