Kristin Hansen Lagattuta
Kristin Hansen Lagattuta
Professor, Psychology and Center for Mind and Brain, University of California, Davis
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Differences in early parent-child conversations about negative versus positive emotions: implications for the development of psychological understanding.
KH Lagattuta, HM Wellman
Developmental psychology 38 (4), 564, 2002
When you shouldn't do what you want to do: Young children's understanding of desires, rules, and emotions
KH Lagattuta
Child development 76 (3), 713-733, 2005
Mothers' and Fathers' Use of Internal State Talk with their Young Children
J LaBounty, HM Wellman, S Olson, K Lagattuta, D Liu
Social Development 17 (4), 757-775, 2008
The development of self-conscious emotions: Cognitive processes and social influences.
KH Lagattuta, RA Thompson
The Guilford Press, 2007
Feeling and Understanding: Early Emotional Development.
RA Thompson, KH Lagattuta
Blackwell Publishing, 2006
Can children recognize pride?
JL Tracy, RW Robins, KH Lagattuta
Emotion 5 (3), 251, 2005
Thinking about the past: Early knowledge about links between prior experience, thinking, and emotion
KH Lagattuta, HM Wellman
Child Development 72 (1), 82-102, 2001
Developing understandings of mind.
HM Wellman, KH Lagattuta
Oxford University Press, 2000
Preschoolers' understanding of the link between thinking and feeling: Cognitive cuing and emotional change
KH Lagattuta, HM Wellman, JH Flavell
Child development, 1081-1104, 1997
Thought-bubbles help children with autism acquire an alternative to a theory of mind
HM Wellman, S Baron-Cohen, R Caswell, JC Gomez, J Swettenham, ...
Autism 6 (4), 343-363, 2002
Theory of mind for learning and teaching: The nature and role of explanation
HM Wellman, KH Lagattuta
Cognitive development 19 (4), 479-497, 2004
Do you know how I feel? Parents underestimate worry and overestimate optimism compared to child self-report
KH Lagattuta, L Sayfan, C Bamford
Journal of experimental child psychology 113 (2), 211-232, 2012
Helping the in‐group feels better: Children’s judgments and emotion attributions in response to prosocial dilemmas
D Weller, K Hansen Lagattuta
Child Development 84 (1), 253-268, 2013
A new measure for assessing executive function across a wide age range: children and adults find happy‐sad more difficult than day‐night
KH Lagattuta, L Sayfan, M Monsour
Developmental Science 14 (3), 481-489, 2011
Bridging theory of mind and the personal domain: Children’s reasoning about resistance to parental control
KH Lagattuta, L Nucci, SL Bosacki
Child Development 81 (2), 616-635, 2010
Forgetting common ground: six-to seven-year-olds have an overinterpretive theory of mind.
KH Lagattuta, L Sayfan, AJ Blattman
Developmental Psychology 46 (6), 1417, 2010
Beyond Sally's missing marble: Further development in children's understanding of mind and emotion in middle childhood
KH Lagattuta, HJ Kramer, K Kennedy, K Hjortsvang, D Goldfarb, ...
Advances in child development and behavior 48, 185-217, 2015
Thinking about the future because of the past: Young children’s knowledge about the causes of worry and preventative decisions
KH Lagattuta
Child Development 78 (5), 1492-1509, 2007
Linking past, present, and future: Children's ability to connect mental states and emotions across time
KH Lagattuta
Child development perspectives 8 (2), 90-95, 2014
Children's judgments about prosocial decisions and emotions: Gender of the helper and recipient matters
D Weller, KH Lagattuta
Child Development 85 (5), 2011-2028, 2014
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