Lindawati Gani
Lindawati Gani
Professor of Management Accounting, Universitas Indonesia
在 ui.ac.id 的电子邮件经过验证
Investigating the effect of board independence on performance across different strategies
L Gani, J Jermias
The international journal of accounting 41 (3), 295-314, 2006
The impact of board capital and board characteristics on firm performance
J Jermias, L Gani
The british accounting review 46 (2), 135-153, 2014
Integrating business strategy, organizational configurations and management accounting systems with business unit effectiveness: a fitness landscape approach
J Jermias, L Gani
Management accounting research 15 (2), 179-200, 2004
Ownership structure, contingent-fit, and business-unit performance: A research model and empirical evidence
J Jermias, L Gani
The International Journal of Accounting 40 (1), 65-85, 2005
The effects of strategy–management control system misfits on firm performance
L Gani, J Jermias
Accounting Perspectives 11 (3), 165-196, 2012
The effect of auditor quality on the follow-up of audit recommendation
D Setyaningrum, L Gani, D Martani, C Kuntadi
International Research Journal of Business Studies 6 (2), 89-104, 2013
The effect of green strategy and green investment toward carbon emission disclosure
Z Afni, L Gani, CD Djakman, E Sauki
The International Journal of Business Review (The Jobs Review) 1 (2), 93-108, 2018
Loyalitas nasabah dan kinerja perBankan di indonesia
NA Rachmawati, L Gani, H Rossieta
Jurnal Keuangan dan Perbankan 21 (1), 144-156, 2017
Performance implications of misalignment among business strategy, leadership style, organizational culture and management accounting systems
C Juliana, L Gani, J Jermias
International Journal of Ethics and Systems 37 (4), 509-525, 2021
Investigating the impacts of customer satisfaction on firm performance
L Leo, L Gani, J Jermias
Gadjah Mada International Journal of Business 11 (3), 341-359, 2009
Integrated reporting quality assessment
D Agustia, D Sriani, H Wicaksono, L Gani
Journal of Security and Sustainability Issues 10 (1), 47-59, 2020
Analisis faktor yang mempengaruhi kepuasan kerja auditor dan hubungannya dengan kinerja dan keinginan berpindah kerja auditor
F Fitriany, L Gani, SV Siregar, A Marganingsih, V Anggraita
Jurnal Akuntansi dan Keuangan Indonesia 8 (2), 5, 2011
Performance implications of environment-strategy-governance misfit
L Gani, J Jermias
Gadjah Mada International Journal of Business 11 (1), 1-20, 2009
Linking strategic priorities, organizational configurations and management accounting systems with business unit effectiveness: Experience from Indonesian publicly held companies
J Jermias, L Gani
3rd Conference AAA, Nagoya, Japan, 2002
Strategic orientation, risk‐taking, corporate life cycle and environmental, social and governance (ESG) practices: Evidence from ASEAN countries
A Setiarini, L Gani, V Diyanty, D Adhariani
Business Strategy & Development 6 (3), 491-502, 2023
The sustainability awareness of banking institutions in Indonesia, its implication on profitability by the mediating role of operational efficiency
I Anis, L Gani, H Fauzi, AA Hermawan, D Adhariani
Asian Journal of Accounting Research 8 (4), 356-372, 2023
Does managerial ability lead to different cost stickiness behavior? evidence from ASEAN countries
MD Restuti, L Gani, ER Shauki, L Leo
International Journal of Financial Studies 10 (3), 48, 2022
Pengaruh Kualitas Auditor dan Pengawasan Legislatif Terhadap Temuan Audit dengan Tindak Lanjut Rekomendasi Hasil Pemeriksaan sebagai Variabel Intervening
D Setyaningrum, L Gani, D Martani, C Kuntadi
Simposium Nasional Akuntansi 17, 2014
Sustainability Awareness Institusi Perbankan Di Indonesia Dan Implikasinya Terhadap Efisiensi Operasional
ILG Anis, F Ekonomi, U Trisakti, L Gani, AA Hermawan, D Adhariani
JEL Classification G 14, G20, 2021
Pengaruh Misfit Ketidakpastian Bisnis yang Dipersepsikan dengan Levers of Control Terhadap Kinerja Perusahaan
IMP Adiputra, L Gani, H Rossieta, AA Hermawan
Assets: Jurnal Akuntansi Dan Pendidikan 8 (2), 117-125, 2019
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