Simultaneous Wireless Information and Power Transfer in Modern Communication Systems I Krikidis, S Timotheou, S Nikolaou, G Zheng, DWK Ng, R Schober IEEE Communications Magazine,, 2014 | 993 | 2014 |
Wireless Information and Power Transfer with Full Duplex Relaying C Zhong, HA Suraweera, G Zheng, I Krikidis, Z Zhang IEEE Transactions on Communications,, 2014 | 461 | 2014 |
Physical layer security for massive MIMO: An overview on passive eavesdropping and active attacks D Kapetanovic, G Zheng, F Rusek IEEE Communications Magazine 53 (6), 21-27, 2015 | 439 | 2015 |
Improving physical layer secrecy using full-duplex jamming receivers G Zheng, I Krikidis, J Li, AP Petropulu, B Ottersten IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 61 (20), 4962-4974, 2013 | 436 | 2013 |
Optimal cooperative jamming to enhance physical layer security using relays G Zheng, LC Choo, KK Wong IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 59 (3), 1317-1322, 2010 | 401 | 2010 |
Refracting RIS-aided hybrid satellite-terrestrial relay networks: Joint beamforming design and optimization Z Lin, H Niu, K An, Y Wang, G Zheng, S Chatzinotas, Y Hu IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems 58 (4), 3717-3724, 2022 | 359 | 2022 |
Optimum placement of UAV as relays Y Chen, W Feng, G Zheng IEEE Communications Letters 22 (2), 248-251, 2017 | 339 | 2017 |
Exploiting known interference as green signal power for downlink beamforming optimization C Masouros, G Zheng IEEE Transactions on Signal processing 63 (14), 3628-3640, 2015 | 323 | 2015 |
Generic optimization of linear precoding in multibeam satellite systems G Zheng, S Chatzinotas, B Ottersten IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 11 (6), 2308-2320, 2012 | 313 | 2012 |
Robust cognitive beamforming with bounded channel uncertainties G Zheng, KK Wong, B Ottersten IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 57 (12), 4871-4881, 2009 | 298 | 2009 |
Low-complexity end-to-end performance optimization in MIMO full-duplex relay systems HA Suraweera, I Krikidis, G Zheng, C Yuen, PJ Smith IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 13 (2), 913-927, 2014 | 286 | 2014 |
A deep learning framework for optimization of MISO downlink beamforming W Xia, G Zheng, Y Zhu, J Zhang, J Wang, AP Petropulu IEEE Transactions on Communications 68 (3), 1866-1880, 2019 | 275 | 2019 |
Beamforming for MISO interference channels with QoS and RF energy transfer S Timotheou, I Krikidis, G Zheng, B Ottersten IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 13 (5), 2646-2658, 2014 | 244 | 2014 |
Unsupervised learning-based fast beamforming design for downlink MIMO H Huang, W Xia, J Xiong, J Yang, G Zheng, X Zhu IEEE Access 7, 7599-7605, 2018 | 216 | 2018 |
Information and energy cooperation in cognitive radio networks G Zheng, Z Ho, EA Jorswieck, B Ottersten IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 62 (9), 2290-2303, 2014 | 214 | 2014 |
Physical layer security in multibeam satellite systems G Zheng, PD Arapoglou, B Ottersten IEEE Transactions on wireless communications 11 (2), 852-863, 2011 | 195 | 2011 |
Collaborative-relay beamforming with perfect CSI: Optimum and distributed implementation G Zheng, KK Wong, A Paulraj, B Ottersten IEEE Signal Processing Letters 16 (4), 257-260, 2009 | 193 | 2009 |
Robust monotonic optimization framework for multicell MISO systems E Björnson, G Zheng, M Bengtsson, B Ottersten IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 60 (5), 2508-2523, 2012 | 184 | 2012 |
Joint beamforming optimization and power control for full-duplex MIMO two-way relay channel G Zheng IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 63 (3), 555-566, 2014 | 180 | 2014 |
Distributed multicell beamforming with limited intercell coordination Y Huang, G Zheng, M Bengtsson, KK Wong, L Yang, B Ottersten IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 59 (2), 728-738, 2010 | 178 | 2010 |