Carlos Maglietti
Carlos Maglietti
Researcher EEA INTA Balcarce. PhD Student CQU
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Emisiones de metano y microbiota ruminal de novillos en pastoreo con distinta suplementación en la Pampa húmeda, Argentina
P Ricci, M CERÓN-CUCHI, F Jewerowicz, M Pijuan, M Fasciglione, ...
Libro de resúmenes de la 3ª Conferencia de gases de efecto invernadero en …, 2017
Guía para el manejo de pasturas en función del stock de pasto y la tasa de crecimiento
GD Berone, PL Cicore, PM Errecart, JR Insua, F Jaimes, CS Maglietti, ...
Ediciones INTA, 2022
Impact of the duration of rearing and finishing periods on steer performance and carcass and meat quality characteristics
E Pavan, LB Pouzo, ML Testa, CS Maglietti, JP Mazzucco, AM Pardo
Livestock Science 276, 105313, 2023
Extending the feeding period beyond 8.0 mm of subcutaneous fat reduces feed efficiency without improving meat colour and tenderness of non-implanted feedlot steers
GA Zurbriggen, CS Maglietti, LB Pouzo, ML Testa, SL Riffel, JC Elizalde, ...
Polish Academy of Sciences, 2022
Brown-midrib corn silage in finishing steer diet: effects on animal performance, in vivo digestibility and ruminal kinetics disappearance
MJ Spetter, FA Ramiro, MM Della Rosa, CS Maglietti, JG Depetris, ...
Animal Production Science 59 (3), 486-492, 2018
Emisiones de metano durante la recría pastoril y engorde a corral de terneros de destete hiperprecoz
M Loto, M Juliarena, S Guzmán, C Maglietti, G Depetris, E Pavan, P Ricci
Revista Argentina de Producción Animal 36, 236, 2016
Impacto del período de recría en pastoreo y terminación a corral sobre parámetros de calidad de la carne vacuna almacenada
S Alonso Ramos, L Pouzo, C Maglietti, E Paván
Ediciones INTA, 2019
Efecto de la estrategia de alimentación con grano de maíz a novillos sobre el nivel de marmoreo y de grasa subcutánea
S Alonso Ramos, C Maglietti, GA Zurbriggen, ML Testa, S Duckett, ...
Impact of extending the rearing period and the finishing period on beef eating quality.
ML Testa, MG Cendoya, CS Maglietti, LB Pouzo, E Pavan
Effect of type of supplement on performance and methane emissions of grazing yearlings.
P Ricci, ML Testa, F Jewerowicz, M Pijuan, P Juliarena, S Guzmán, ...
Reduction of methane emission intensity through energetic supplementation under grazing conditions.
P Ricci, ML Testa, S Alonso Ramos, CS Maglietti, E Pavan, P Juliarena, ...
Effects of excess dietary sulfur on clinical, productive and ruminal parameters in fattening feedlot cattle.
DJ Castro, G Depetris, P Ricci, E Paván, C Maglietti, S Cravero, A Ortiz, ...
Effect of the extension of pasture rearing (RP) or feedlot finishing on carcass traits and beef quality.
E Pavan, CS Maglietti, ML Testa, LB Pouzo, J Papaleo Mazzucco, ...
Brown-midrib corn silage in finishing steer diet: Effects on animal performance, in vivo digestibility and ruminal kinetics disappearance
MJ Spetter Lucas, FA Ramiro, MM Della Rosa, CS Maglietti, GJ Depetris, ...
Csiro Publishing, 2018
Emisiones de metano en un sistema de producción de ciclo completo en el Sudeste de la provincia de Buenos Aires.
M Loto, MP Juliarena, SA Guzman, GH Eyherabide, CS Maglietti, E Pavan, ...
Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria, 2017
NDVI and height relationship from 8 forage resources in an intensive beef production during a year.
FR Jaimes, SM Hara, C Maglietti, C Machado, E Pavan
Backfat thickness changes according to the feeding strategies used.
ML Testa, CS Maglietti, SK Duckett, E Pavan
Methane emissions from early weaned calves during the rearing and finishing phases.
M Loto, MP Juliarena, SA Guzmán, C Maglietti, G Depetris, E Paván, ...
Effect of feeding high-concentrate rations at an early backgrounding or at the finishing phase on intramuscular fat.
ML Testa, CS Maglietti, SK Duckett, E Pavan
An intensive grazing-based beef cattle finishing system. 2. Herbage growth and herbage production. Communication.
SM Hara, C Faverin, C Maglietti, C Machado, E Paván
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