Emisiones de metano y microbiota ruminal de novillos en pastoreo con distinta suplementación en la Pampa húmeda, Argentina P Ricci, M CERÓN-CUCHI, F Jewerowicz, M Pijuan, M Fasciglione, ... Libro de resúmenes de la 3ª Conferencia de gases de efecto invernadero en …, 2017 | 3 | 2017 |
Guía para el manejo de pasturas en función del stock de pasto y la tasa de crecimiento GD Berone, PL Cicore, PM Errecart, JR Insua, F Jaimes, CS Maglietti, ... Ediciones INTA, 2022 | 2 | 2022 |
Impact of the duration of rearing and finishing periods on steer performance and carcass and meat quality characteristics E Pavan, LB Pouzo, ML Testa, CS Maglietti, JP Mazzucco, AM Pardo Livestock Science 276, 105313, 2023 | 1 | 2023 |
Extending the feeding period beyond 8.0 mm of subcutaneous fat reduces feed efficiency without improving meat colour and tenderness of non-implanted feedlot steers GA Zurbriggen, CS Maglietti, LB Pouzo, ML Testa, SL Riffel, JC Elizalde, ... Polish Academy of Sciences, 2022 | 1 | 2022 |
Brown-midrib corn silage in finishing steer diet: effects on animal performance, in vivo digestibility and ruminal kinetics disappearance MJ Spetter, FA Ramiro, MM Della Rosa, CS Maglietti, JG Depetris, ... Animal Production Science 59 (3), 486-492, 2018 | 1 | 2018 |
Emisiones de metano durante la recría pastoril y engorde a corral de terneros de destete hiperprecoz M Loto, M Juliarena, S Guzmán, C Maglietti, G Depetris, E Pavan, P Ricci Revista Argentina de Producción Animal 36, 236, 2016 | 1 | 2016 |
Impacto del período de recría en pastoreo y terminación a corral sobre parámetros de calidad de la carne vacuna almacenada S Alonso Ramos, L Pouzo, C Maglietti, E Paván Ediciones INTA, 2019 | | 2019 |
Efecto de la estrategia de alimentación con grano de maíz a novillos sobre el nivel de marmoreo y de grasa subcutánea S Alonso Ramos, C Maglietti, GA Zurbriggen, ML Testa, S Duckett, ... | | 2019 |
Impact of extending the rearing period and the finishing period on beef eating quality. ML Testa, MG Cendoya, CS Maglietti, LB Pouzo, E Pavan | | 2018 |
Effect of type of supplement on performance and methane emissions of grazing yearlings. P Ricci, ML Testa, F Jewerowicz, M Pijuan, P Juliarena, S Guzmán, ... | | 2018 |
Reduction of methane emission intensity through energetic supplementation under grazing conditions. P Ricci, ML Testa, S Alonso Ramos, CS Maglietti, E Pavan, P Juliarena, ... | | 2018 |
Effects of excess dietary sulfur on clinical, productive and ruminal parameters in fattening feedlot cattle. DJ Castro, G Depetris, P Ricci, E Paván, C Maglietti, S Cravero, A Ortiz, ... | | 2018 |
Effect of the extension of pasture rearing (RP) or feedlot finishing on carcass traits and beef quality. E Pavan, CS Maglietti, ML Testa, LB Pouzo, J Papaleo Mazzucco, ... | | 2018 |
Brown-midrib corn silage in finishing steer diet: Effects on animal performance, in vivo digestibility and ruminal kinetics disappearance MJ Spetter Lucas, FA Ramiro, MM Della Rosa, CS Maglietti, GJ Depetris, ... Csiro Publishing, 2018 | | 2018 |
Emisiones de metano en un sistema de producción de ciclo completo en el Sudeste de la provincia de Buenos Aires. M Loto, MP Juliarena, SA Guzman, GH Eyherabide, CS Maglietti, E Pavan, ... Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria, 2017 | | 2017 |
NDVI and height relationship from 8 forage resources in an intensive beef production during a year. FR Jaimes, SM Hara, C Maglietti, C Machado, E Pavan | | 2016 |
Backfat thickness changes according to the feeding strategies used. ML Testa, CS Maglietti, SK Duckett, E Pavan | | 2016 |
Methane emissions from early weaned calves during the rearing and finishing phases. M Loto, MP Juliarena, SA Guzmán, C Maglietti, G Depetris, E Paván, ... | | 2016 |
Effect of feeding high-concentrate rations at an early backgrounding or at the finishing phase on intramuscular fat. ML Testa, CS Maglietti, SK Duckett, E Pavan | | 2016 |
An intensive grazing-based beef cattle finishing system. 2. Herbage growth and herbage production. Communication. SM Hara, C Faverin, C Maglietti, C Machado, E Paván | | 2016 |