Arnaud Dubat
Arnaud Dubat
CHOPIN Technologies - Villeneuve La Garenne
在 chopin.fr 的电子邮件经过验证
Utilization of Mixolab® to predict the suitability of flours in terms of cake quality
K Kahraman, O Sakıyan, S Ozturk, H Koksel, G Sumnu, A Dubat
European Food Research and Technology 227, 565-570, 2008
Effect of green tea powder on the quality attributes and antioxidant activity of whole-wheat flour pan bread
J Ning, GG Hou, J Sun, X Wan, A Dubat
LWT-Food Science and Technology 79, 342-348, 2017
Potential utilization of Mixolab for quality evaluation of bread wheat genotypes
H Koksel, K Kahraman, T Sanal, DS Ozay, A Dubat
Cereal chemistry 86 (5), 522-526, 2009
Effects of flour particle size on the quality attributes of reconstituted whole-wheat flour and Chinese southern-type steamed bread
N Wang, GG Hou, A Dubat
LWT-Food Science and Technology 82, 147-153, 2017
Effects of controlled germination on selected physicochemical and functional properties of whole-wheat flour and enhanced γ-aminobutyric acid accumulation by ultrasonication
J Ding, GG Hou, BV Nemzer, S Xiong, A Dubat, H Feng
Food Chemistry 243, 214-221, 2018
A new AACC International approved method to measure rheological properties of a dough sample
A Dubat
Cereal Foods World (CFW) 55 (3), 150, 2010
Quality attributes of whole-wheat flour tortillas with sprouted whole-wheat flour substitution
T Liu, GG Hou, M Cardin, L Marquart, A Dubat
LWT 77, 1-7, 2017
Effects of particle size on the quality attributes of reconstituted whole-wheat flour and tortillas made from it
T Liu, GG Hou, B Lee, L Marquart, A Dubat
Journal of Cereal Science 71, 145-152, 2016
AlveoConsistograph handbook
M Dubois, A Dubat, B Launay
Elsevier, 2016
Современный метод контроля качества зерна и муки по реологическим свойствам теста, определяемым с помощью миксолаб профайлер
A Dubat, K Risev
Управление реологическими свойствами пищевых продуктов: материалы первой …, 2008
Thermomechanically induced protein aggregation and starch structural changes in wheat flour dough
CM Rosell, R Altamirano‐Fortoul, C Don, A Dubat
Cereal Chemistry 90 (2), 89-100, 2013
Mixolab: A New Approach to Rheology
A Dubat
Academic Press, 2016
Le mixolab Profiler: un outil complet pour le controle qualité des blés et des farines
A Dubat
Industries des Cereales 161, 11-26, 2009
Mixolab applications handbook. Rheological and enzymes analyses
A Dubat, N Boinot
Chopin Technology, 2012
The importance and impact of starch damage and evolution of measuring methods.
A Dubat
Mixolab applications handbook
A Dubat, N Boinot
Rheological and enzymes analyses, 14, 2012
Evaluation of gluten and starch quality parameters with the Chopin–Mixolab and other traditional flour and dough testing instruments
RJ Peňa, G Posadas-Romano, BM Espinosa-Garcia, A Dubat
Conferencia Internacional Cereales y Productos de Cereales Calidad e …, 2007
Bread wheat milling behavior: effects of genetic and environmental factors, and modeling using grain mechanical resistance traits
FX Oury, P Lasme, C Michelet, A Dubat, O Gardet, E Heumez, B Rolland, ...
Theoretical and applied genetics 130, 929-950, 2017
Gluten composition, gluten quality, and dough mixing properties (National-Mixograph; Chopin-Mixolab) of high yielding wheats derived from crosses between common (Triticum …
RJ Pena, MI Cervantes-Espinoza, JI Ortiz-Monasterio, A Dubat
Proceedings of the Eucarpia Cereal Section Cereal Science and Technology for …, 2006
Importance de l'endommagement de l'amidon et évolution des méthodes de mesure
A Dubat
Industries des céréales, 2-8, 2004
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