mumin cebe
mumin cebe
在 marquette.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
Block4forensic: An integrated lightweight blockchain framework for forensics applications of connected vehicles
M Cebe, E Erdin, K Akkaya, H Aksu, S Uluagac
IEEE communications magazine 56 (10), 50-57, 2018
Privacy-preserving authentication scheme for connected electric vehicles using blockchain and zero knowledge proofs
D Gabay, K Akkaya, M Cebe
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 69 (6), 5760-5772, 2020
Improving the service industry with hyper-connectivity: IoT in hospitality
S Mercan, L Cain, K Akkaya, M Cebe, S Uluagac, M Alonso, C Cobanoglu
International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management 33 (1), 243-262, 2021
A Bitcoin payment network with reduced transaction fees and confirmation times
E Erdin, M Cebe, K Akkaya, S Solak, E Bulut, S Uluagac
Computer Networks 172, 107098, 2020
Building a private bitcoin-based payment network among electric vehicles and charging stations
E Erdin, M Cebe, K Akkaya, S Solak, E Bulut, S Uluagac
2018 IEEE International Conference on Internet of Things (iThings) and IEEE …, 2018
Efficient certificate revocation management schemes for IoT-based advanced metering infrastructures in smart cities
M Cebe, K Akkaya
Ad hoc networks 92, 101801, 2019
A cost-efficient iot forensics framework with blockchain
S Mercan, M Cebe, E Tekiner, K Akkaya, M Chang, S Uluagac
2020 IEEE international conference on blockchain and cryptocurrency (ICBC), 1-5, 2020
LNBot: a covert hybrid botnet on bitcoin lightning network for fun and profit
A Kurt, E Erdin, M Cebe, K Akkaya, AS Uluagac
Computer Security–ESORICS 2020: 25th European Symposium on Research in …, 2020
A network coding based information spreading approach for permissioned blockchain in IoT settings
M Cebe, B Kaplan, K Akkaya
Proceedings of the 15th EAI international conference on mobile and …, 2018
Assuring the integrity of videos from wireless-based IoT devices using blockchain
D Danko, S Mercan, M Cebe, K Akkaya
2019 IEEE 16th International Conference on Mobile Ad Hoc and Sensor Systems …, 2019
A survey on security issues in modern implantable devices: Solutions and future issues
E Kwarteng, M Cebe
Smart Health 25, 100295, 2022
Blockchain‐based video forensics and integrity verification framework for wireless Internet‐of‐Things devices
S Mercan, M Cebe, RS Aygun, K Akkaya, E Toussaint, D Danko
Security and Privacy 4 (2), e143, 2021
A privacy framework for charging connected electric vehicles using blockchain and zero knowledge proofs
D Gabay, K Akkaya, M Cebe
2019 IEEE 44th LCN symposium on emerging topics in networking (LCN Symposium …, 2019
A scalable private Bitcoin payment channel network with privacy guarantees
E Erdin, M Cebe, K Akkaya, E Bulut, S Uluagac
Journal of Network and Computer Applications 180, 103021, 2021
Efficient group-key management for low-bandwidth smart grid networks
Y Hanna, M Cebe, S Mercan, K Akkaya
2021 IEEE International Conference on Communications, Control, and Computing …, 2021
A heuristic-based private bitcoin payment network formation using off-chain links
E Erdin, M Cebe, K Akkaya, E Bulut, AS Uluagac
2019 IEEE International Conference on Blockchain (Blockchain), 294-301, 2019
Qualitative test-cost sensitive classification
M Cebe, C Gunduz-Demir
Pattern recognition letters 31 (13), 2043-2051, 2010
Communication-efficient certificate revocation management for Advanced Metering Infrastructure and IoT Integration
M Cebe, K Akkaya
Future Generation Computer Systems 115, 267-278, 2021
A bandwidth-efficient secure authentication module for smart grid DNP3 protocol
M Cebe, K Akkaya
2020 Resilience Week (RWS), 160-166, 2020
Efficient certificate verification for vehicle-to-grid communications
N Saputro, S Tonyali, K Akkaya, M Cebe, M Mahmoud
Future Network Systems and Security: Third International Conference, FNSS …, 2017
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