Jessica Thompson
Jessica Thompson
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Beyond the scientific method: Model‐based inquiry as a new paradigm of preference for school science investigations
M Windschitl, J Thompson, M Braaten
Science education 92 (5), 941-967, 2008
Proposing a core set of instructional practices and tools for teachers of science
M Windschitl, J Thompson, M Braaten, D Stroupe
Science education 96 (5), 878-903, 2012
Ambitious science teaching
M Windschitl, J Thompson, M Braaten
Harvard Education Press, 2020
Developing a theory of ambitious early-career teacher practice
J Thompson, M Windschitl, M Braaten
American educational research journal 50 (3), 574-615, 2013
Transcending simple forms of school science investigation: The impact of preservice instruction on teachers’ understandings of model-based inquiry
M Windschitl, J Thompson
American educational research journal 43 (4), 783-835, 2006
Ambitious pedagogy by novice teachers: Who benefits from tool-supported collaborative inquiry into practice and why?
M Windschitl, J Thompson, M Braaten
Teachers college record 113 (7), 1311-1360, 2011
Student Satisfaction with Online Learning: Is It a Psychological Contract?.
C Dziuban, P Moskal, J Thompson, L Kramer, G DeCantis, A Hermsdorfer
Online Learning 19 (2), n2, 2015
How novice science teachers appropriate epistemic discourses around model-based inquiry for use in classrooms
M Windschitl, J Thompson, M Braaten
Cognition and Instruction 26 (3), 310-378, 2008
Creating opportunities for students to show what they know: The role of scaffolding in assessment tasks
H Kang, J Thompson, M Windschitl
Science Education 98 (4), 674-704, 2014
Practice makes practice: Learning to teach in teacher education
M McDonald, E Kazemi, M Kelley-Petersen, K Mikolasy, J Thompson, ...
Peabody Journal of Education 89 (4), 500-515, 2014
Designing, launching, and implementing high quality learning opportunities for students that advance scientific thinking
H Kang, M Windschitl, D Stroupe, J Thompson
Journal of Research in Science Teaching 53 (9), 1316-1340, 2016
Rigor and responsiveness in classroom activity
J Thompson, S Hagenah, H Kang, D Stroupe, M Braaten, C Colley, ...
Teachers College Record 118 (5), 1-58, 2016
Student satisfaction with online learning in the presence of ambivalence: Looking for the will-o'-the-wisp
C Dziuban, P Moskal, L Kramer, J Thompson
The Internet and Higher Education 17, 1-8, 2013
Mapping urban green infrastructure: A novel landscape-based approach to incorporating land use and land cover in the mapping of human-dominated systems
M Dennis, D Barlow, G Cavan, PA Cook, A Gilchrist, J Handley, P James, ...
Land 7 (1), 17, 2018
Problems without ceilings: How mentors and novices frame and work on problems-of-practice
J Thompson, S Hagenah, K Lohwasser, K Laxton
Journal of teacher education 66 (4), 363-381, 2015
Learning progressions to support ambitious teaching practices
EM Furtak, J Thompson, M Braaten, M Windschitl
Learning progressions in science, 405-433, 2012
Engaging girls’ sociohistorical identities in science
J Thompson
Journal of the Learning Sciences 23 (3), 392-446, 2014
The modeling toolkit: Making student thinking visible with public representations
M Windschitl, J Thompson
The Science Teacher 80 (6), 63-69, 2013
Toward a practice‐based theory for how professional learning communities engage in the improvement of tools and practices for scientific modeling
JJ Thompson, S Hagenah, S McDonald, C Barchenger
Science Education 103 (6), 1423-1455, 2019
Fostering ambitious pedagogy in novice teachers: The new role of tool-supported analyses of student work
M Windschitl, J Thompson, M Braaten
Teachers College Record 113 (7), 1311-1360, 2011
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