D Andrew R Drake
D Andrew R Drake
Great Lakes Laboratory for Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, Fisheries and Oceans Canada
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Bycatch, bait, anglers, and roads: quantifying vector activity and propagule introduction risk across lake ecosystems
DAR Drake, NE Mandrak
Ecological Applications 24 (4), 877-894, 2014
Ecological risk of live bait fisheries: a new angle on selective fishing
DAR Drake, NE Mandrak
Fisheries 39 (5), 201-211, 2014
Least‐cost transportation networks predict spatial interaction of invasion vectors
DAR Drake, NE Mandrak
Ecological Applications 20 (8), 2286-2299, 2010
Can we predict risky human behaviour involving invasive species? A case study of the release of fishes to the wild
DAR Drake, R Mercader, T Dobson, NE Mandrak
Biological Invasions 17, 309-326, 2015
Relative invasion risk for plankton across marine and freshwater systems: examining efficacy of proposed international ballast water discharge standards
O Casas-Monroy, RD Linley, JK Adams, FT Chan, DAR Drake, SA Bailey
PLoS One 10 (3), e0118267, 2015
National Risk Assessment for Introduction of Aquatic Nonindigenous Species to Canada by Ballast Water
O Casas-Monroy, R Linley, J Adams, F Chan, A Drake, S Bailey
DFO Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Research Document 2013 (128), 73, 2014
Optimizing performance of nonparametric species richness estimators under constrained sampling
H Rajakaruna, DAR Drake, F T. Chan, SA Bailey
Ecology and Evolution 6 (20), 7311-7322, 2016
Evaluating active genetic options for the control of sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) in the Laurentian Great Lakes
RE Thresher, M Jones, DAR Drake
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 76 (7), 1186-1202, 2019
Environmental factors affecting growth of eastern sand darter (Ammocrypta pellucida)
DAR Drake, M Power, MA Koops, SE Doka, NE Mandrak
Canadian Journal of Zoology 86 (7), 714-722, 2008
Moving repatriation efforts forward for imperilled Canadian freshwater fishes
KA Lamothe, DAR Drake
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 76 (10), 1914-1921, 2019
National risk assessment of recreational boating as a vector for marine non-indigenous species
N Simard, M Pelletier-Rousseau, C Clarke Murray, CW McKindsey, ...
Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat, 2017
Summary of a survey of aquarium owners in Canada
D Marson, B Cudmore, DAR Drake, NE Mandrak
Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2905, 20, 2009
What evidence exists for evaluating the effectiveness of conservation-oriented captive breeding and release programs for imperilled freshwater fishes and mussels?1
T Rytwinski, LA Kelly, LA Donaldson, JJ Taylor, A Smith, DAR Drake, ...
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 78 (9), 1332-1346, 2021
Predicting spatial patterns of recreational boating to understand potential impacts to fisheries and aquatic ecosystems
LM Hunt, DM Morris, DAR Drake, JD Buckley, TB Johnson
Fisheries research 211, 111-120, 2019
Ballast water exchange plus treatment lowers species invasion rate in freshwater ecosystems
JN Bradie, DAR Drake, D Ogilvie, O Casas-Monroy, SA Bailey
Environmental Science & Technology 55 (1), 82-89, 2020
Do fish drive recreational fishing license sales?
LM Hunt, AE Bannister, DAR Drake, SA Fera, TB Johnson
North American Journal of Fisheries Management 37 (1), 122-132, 2017
Propagule pressure in the presence of uncertainty: extending the utility of proxy variables with hierarchical models
DAR Drake, O Casas‐Monroy, MA Koops, SA Bailey
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 6 (11), 1363-1371, 2015
Mobilizing practitioners to support the Emergency Recovery Plan for freshwater biodiversity
WM Twardek, EA Nyboer, D Tickner, CM O'Connor, NWR Lapointe, ...
Conservation Science and Practice 3 (8), e467, 2021
Reintroduction of fishes in Canada: a review of research progress for SARA-listed species
KA Lamothe, DAR Drake, TE Pitcher, JE Broome, AJ Dextrase, A Gillespie, ...
Environmental Reviews 27 (4), 575-599, 2019
Stakeholder attitudes towards the use of recombinant technology to manage the impact of an invasive species: Sea Lamprey in the North American Great Lakes
RE Thresher, M Jones, DAR Drake
Biological Invasions 21, 575-586, 2019
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