Jongkwan Ryu
Review of the impact ball in evaluating floor impact sound
JY Jeon, JK Ryu, JH Jeong, H Tachibana
Acta Acustica united with ACUSTICA 92 (5), 777-786, 2006
Influence of noise sensitivity on annoyance of indoor and outdoor noises in residential buildings
JK Ryu, JY Jeon
Applied Acoustics 72 (6), 336-340, 2011
A quantification model of overall dissatisfaction with indoor noise environment in residential buildings
JY Jeon, JK Ryu, PJ Lee
Applied Acoustics 71 (10), 914-921, 2010
Relation between annoyance and single-number quantities for rating heavy-weight floor impact sound insulation in wooden houses
J Ryu, H Sato, K Kurakata, A Hiramitsu, M Tanaka, T Hirota
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 129 (5), 3047-3055, 2011
Subjective and objective evaluations of a scattered sound field in a scale model opera house
JK Ryu, JY Jeon
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 124 (3), 1538-1549, 2008
Influence of absorption properties of materials on the accuracy of simulated acoustical measures in 1: 10 scale model test
JY Jeon, JK Ryu, YH Kim, S Sato
Applied Acoustics 70 (4), 615-625, 2009
Effect of building façade on indoor transportation noise annoyance in terms of frequency spectrum and expectation for sound insulation
J Ryu, H Song
Applied Acoustics 152, 21-30, 2019
Effect of the suspended ceiling with low-frequency resonant panel absorber on heavyweight floor impact sound in the building
J Ryu, H Song, Y Kim
Building and Environment 139, 1-7, 2018
Effect of temporal decay on perception of heavy-weight floor impact sounds
JH Kim, JK Ryu, JY Jeon
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 134 (4), 2730-2738, 2013
The effects of stage absorption on reverberation times in opera house seating areas
JY Jeon, JH Kim, JK Ryu
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 137 (3), 1099-1107, 2015
Development of noise annoyance scale and criteria of residential noises through auditory experiments
JK Ryu, JY Jeon, HS Kim
Transactions of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering 15 (8 …, 2005
Subjective and objective evaluation of the scattered sound in a 1: 10 scale model hall
JY Jeon, JK Ryu, S Sato, YH Kim
Proc. Forum Acusticum, Budapest, 2005
Acoustic design guidelines for houses for hearing impaired seniors–in the framework of Korean building codes
YK Oh, JK Ryu
Indoor and Built Environment 29 (3), 343-354, 2020
A combined rating system for multiple noises in residential buildings
JK Ryu, JY Jeon
Transactions of the Korean society for noise and vibration engineering 16 …, 2006
Effect of temporal pattern of impact sound on annoyance: Children's impact sounds on the floor
S Kim, J Kim, S Lee, H Song, M Song, J Ryu
Building and Environment 208, 108609, 2022
Effects of finishing materials in wall and ceiling on floor impact sound
I Kim, J Go
INTER-NOISE and NOISE-CON Congress and Conference Proceedings 253 (1), 7512-7517, 2016
Annoyance of floor impact noise in relation to the factors extracted from the autocorrelation and the interaural cross-correlation functions
S Sato, JK Ryu, JY Jeon
Proceedings of Acoustics, 2211-2216, 2005
Subjective ratings of heavy-weight floor impact sounds in wood frame construction
J Ryu, H Sato, K Kurakata, A Hiramitsu, M Tanaka, T Hirota
Acoustical science and technology 31 (5), 371-375, 2010
Allowable noise levels of residential noises
JY Jeon, JK Ryu
INTER-NOISE and NOISE-CON Congress and Conference Proceedings 2006 (5), 1949 …, 2006
청감실험에 의한 공동주택 바닥충격음의 평가등급 설정
전진용, 류종관
한국음향학회지 22 (2), 88-95, 2003
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