Serial concatenation of interleaved codes: Performance analysis, design, and iterative decoding S Benedetto, D Divsalar, G Montorsi, F Pollara IEEE Transactions on information Theory 44 (3), 909-926, 1998 | 1881 | 1998 |
Improved parallel interference cancellation for CDMA D Divsalar, MK Simon, D Raphaeli IEEE Transactions on Communications 46 (2), 258-268, 1998 | 1051 | 1998 |
Introduction to trellis-coded modulation with applications E Biglieri, D Divsalar, MK Simon, PJ McLane Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1991 | 1004 | 1991 |
Multiple-symbol differential detection of MPSK D Divsalar, MK Simon IEEE Transactions on Communications 38 (3), 300-308, 1990 | 909 | 1990 |
Coding theorems for" turbo-like" codes D Divsalar, H Jin, RJ McEliece Proceedings of the annual Allerton Conference on Communication control and …, 1998 | 907 | 1998 |
A soft-input soft-output APP module for iterative decoding of concatenated codes S Benedetto, D Divsalar, G Montorsi, F Pollara IEEE communications letters 1 (1), 22-24, 1997 | 826 | 1997 |
The design of trellis coded MPSK for fading channels: Performance criteria D Divsalar, MK Simon IEEE transactions on Communications 36 (9), 1004-1012, 1988 | 774 | 1988 |
Weight distributions for turbo codes using random and nonrandom permutations S Dolinar, D Divsalar The Telecommunications and Data Acquisition Report, 1995 | 740 | 1995 |
Turbo codes for PCS applications D Divsalar, F Pollara Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Communications ICC'95 1, 54-59, 1995 | 622 | 1995 |
A soft-input soft-output maximum a posteriori (MAP) module to decode parallel and serial concatenated codes S Benedetto, D Divsalar, G Montorsi, F Pollara TDA progress report 42 (127), 1-20, 1996 | 577 | 1996 |
On the design of turbo codes D Divsalar, F Pollara The Telecommunications and Data Acquisition Progress Report 42-123, 1995 | 546* | 1995 |
Hybrid concatenated codes and iterative decoding D Divsalar, F Pollara US Patent 6,023,783, 2000 | 527 | 2000 |
Multiple turbo codes for deep-space communications D Divsalar, F Pollara The Telecommunications and Data Acquisition Report, 1995 | 430 | 1995 |
Iterative turbo decoder analysis based on density evolution D Divsalar, S Dolinar, F Pollara IEEE journal on selected areas in communications 19 (5), 891-907, 2001 | 422 | 2001 |
Capacity-approaching protograph codes D Divsalar, S Dolinar, CR Jones, K Andrews IEEE Journal on selected areas in communications 27 (6), 876-888, 2009 | 393 | 2009 |
Accumulate-repeat-accumulate codes A Abbasfar, D Divsalar, K Yao IEEE Transactions on Communications 55 (4), 692-702, 2007 | 368 | 2007 |
Trellis coded modulation for 4800-9600 bits/s transmission over a fading mobile satellite channel D Divsalar, M Simon IEEE Journal on selected Areas in Communications 5 (2), 162-175, 1987 | 327 | 1987 |
Parallel concatenated trellis coded modulation S Benedetto, D Divsalar, G Montorsi, F Pollara Proceedings of ICC/SUPERCOMM'96-International Conference on Communications 2 …, 1996 | 319 | 1996 |
Some new twists to problems involving the Gaussian probability integral MK Simon, D Divsalar IEEE Transactions on Communications 46 (2), 200-210, 1998 | 317 | 1998 |
Soft-output decoding algorithms in iterative decoding of turbo codes S Benedetto, G Montorsi, D Divsalar, F Pollara The Telecommunications and Data Acquisition Report, 1996 | 313 | 1996 |