Andrew Wilson
Andrew Wilson
Sedimentologist | Stratigrapher | Image log interpreter
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Hydraulic geometry, river sediment and the definition of bedrock channels
JM Turowski, N Hovius, A Wilson, MJ Horng
Geomorphology 99 (1-4), 26-38, 2008
Upper Permian magnetic stratigraphy of the lower Beaufort Group, Karoo Basin
L Lanci, E Tohver, A Wilson, S Flint
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 375, 123-134, 2013
Architectural Styles and Sedimentology of the Fluvial Lower Beaufort Group, Karoo Basin, South Africa
A Wilson, S Flint, T Payenberg, E Tohver, L Lanci
Journal of Sedimentary Research 84 (4), 326-348, 2014
Upstream-facing convex surfaces: Bedrock bedforms produced by fluvial bedload abrasion
A Wilson, N Hovius, JM Turowski
Geomorphology 180, 187-204, 2012
Ground truthing chemostratigraphic correlations in fluvial systems
K Ratcliffe, A Wilson, T Payenberg, A Rittersbacher, G Hildred, S Flint
AAPG Bulletin 99 (1), 155-180, 2014
Magnetostratigraphic constraints on the age of the lower Beaufort Group, western Karoo Basin, South Africa, and a critical analysis of existing U-Pb geochronological data
E Tohver, L Lanci, A Wilson, J Hansma, S Flint
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 2015
Convergent evolution of abrading flow obstacles: Insights from analogue modelling of fluvial bedrock abrasion by coarse bedload
A Wilson, J Lavé
Geomorphology 208, 207-224, 2013
A discrete random model describing bedrock profile abrasion
AA Sipos, G Domokos, A Wilson, N Hovius
Mathematical Geosciences, 1-9, 2011
A branching, positive relief network in the middle member of the Medusae Fossae Formation, Equatorial Mars - evidence for sapping?
SK Harrison, MR Balme, A Hagermann, JB Murray, JP Muller, A Wilson
Planetary and Space Science 85, 142-163, 2013
Testing the applicability of morphometric characterisation in discordant catchments to ancient landscapes: A case study from southern Africa
JC Richardson, DM Hodgson, A Wilson, JL Carrivick, A Lang
Geomorphology, 2016
Fractures in a trachyandesitic lava at Öræfajökull, Iceland, used to infer subglacial emplacement in 1727–8 eruption
AES Forbes, S Blake, H Tuffen, A Wilson
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 2014
The legacy of impact conditions in the morphometrics of percussion marks on fluvial bedrock surfaces
A Wilson, J Lavé
Geomorphology 186, 174-180, 2013
Astronomically forced cycles in Middle Permian fluvial sediments from Karoo Basin (South Africa)
L Lanci, S Galeotti, K Ratcliffe, E Tohver, A Wilson, S Flint
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 110973, 2022
Fluvial bedrock abrasion by bedload: process and form
Wilson, A.
PhD Thesis, Trinity College, Cambridge, 2009
Vertical and lateral patterns of grain size the stratigraphic record
RA Duller, I Kougioumtzoglou, M Burke, A Wilson, S Dunning, J Fedele
Strata and Time (William Smith Meeting) Burlington House, Geological Society …, 2012
Upstream facing convex surfaces and the importance of bedload in fluvial bedrock incision: observations from Taiwan.
Wilson, A., Hovius, N.
EGU General Assembly 2010, held 2-7 May, 2010 in Vienna, Austria, p. 4978 12 …, 2010
Solid particle impact abrasion and the formation of bedrock bedforms
Wilson, A., Hovius, N., Lave, J.
Geophysical Research Abstracts 10, EGU2008-A-03341, 2008
Physical Modelling of Fluvial Bedrock Wear: Angle of Presentation
Wilson, A.
MSci Thesis, University of Cambridge, 2005
Borehole image features map depositional environment change in a Mesoproterozoic delta: insights from the Beetaloo Sub-basin
C Wilson, A., Thrane, L., Cote, A., Richards, B., and Altmann
First EAGE Workshop on Borehole Geology in Asia Pacific. 30 March - 1 April …, 2021
Waukarlycarly 1, Structural and sedimentological analysis of an Acoustic Televiewer borehole image log, Onshore Canning Basin, Western Australia
L Wilson, A., and Thrane
unpublished report available on WAPIMS (https://wapims.dmp.wa.gov. au/wapims), 2020
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