Jucinei Comin
Enhancing crop productivity via weed suppression in organic no-till cropping systems in Santa Catarina, Brazil
MA Altieri, MA Lana, HV Bittencourt, AS Kieling, JJ Comin, PE Lovato
Journal of Sustainable Agriculture 35 (8), 855-869, 2011
Mobility of copper and zinc fractions in fungicide-amended vineyard sandy soils
G Brunetto, A Miotto, CA Ceretta, DE Schmitt, J Heinzen, MP de Moraes, ...
Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science 60 (5), 609-624, 2014
Reduction of copper phytotoxicity by liming: a study of the root anatomy of young vines (Vitis labrusca L.)
VG Ambrosini, DJ Rosa, JPC Prado, M Borghezan, GWB de Melo, ...
Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 96, 270-280, 2015
Carbono orgânico total e agregação do solo em sistema de plantio direto agroecológico e convencional de cebola
A Loss, A Basso, BS Oliveira, LP Koucher, RA Oliveira, C Kurtz, ...
Revista Brasileira de Ciência do Solo 39, 1212-1224, 2015
Accumulation of phosphorus fractions in typic Hapludalf soil after long-term application of pig slurry and deep pig litter in a no-tillage system
R Guardini, JJ Comin, DE Schmitt, T Tiecher, MA Bender, DR dos Santos, ...
Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 93, 215-225, 2012
Differential effects of monomeric and polymeric aluminium on the root growth and on the biomass production of root and shoot of corn in solution culture
JJ Comin, J Barloy, G Bourrie, F Trolard
European Journal of Agronomy 11 (2), 115-122, 1999
Changes in soil acidity and organic carbon in a sandy typic hapludalf after medium-term pig-slurry and deep-litter application
G Brunetto, JJ Comin, DE Schmitt, R Guardini, CP Mezzari, BS Oliveira, ...
Revista Brasileira de Ciência do Solo 36, 1620-1628, 2012
Health risk assessment and soil and plant heavy metal and bromine contents in field plots after ten years of organic and mineral fertilization
R da Rosa Couto, J Faversani, CA Ceretta, PAA Ferreira, C Marchezan, ...
Ecotoxicology and environmental safety 153, 142-150, 2018
Carbon, nitrogen and natural abundance of 13C and 15N in biogenic and physicogenic aggregates in a soil with 10 years of pig manure application
A Loss, CR Lourenzi, E dos Santos Junior, CAM Junior, L Benedet, ...
Soil and Tillage Research 166, 52-58, 2017
Agroecology development in Brazil between 1970 and 2015
MBB da Costa, M Souza, VM Júnior, JJ Comin, PE Lovato
Agroecology and sustainable food systems 41 (3-4), 276-295, 2017
Phosphorus accumulation and pollution potential in a hapludult fertilized with pig manure
R Guardini, JJ Comin, DR Santos, LC Gatiboni, T Tiecher, D Schmitt, ...
Revista Brasileira de Ciência do Solo 36, 1333-1342, 2012
Effect of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on young vines in copper-contaminated soil
VG Ambrosini, JG Voges, L Canton, RR Couto, PAA Ferreira, JJ Comin, ...
Brazilian Journal of Microbiology 46, 1045-1052, 2015
Accumulation of copper and zinc fractions in vineyard soil in the mid-western region of Santa Catarina, Brazil
R da Rosa Couto, L Benedet, JJ Comin, PB Filho, SR Martins, ...
Environmental Earth Sciences 73, 6379-6386, 2015
Cover crops effects on soil chemical properties and onion yield
RA Oliveira, G Brunetto, A Loss, LC Gatiboni, C Kürtz, V Müller Júnior, ...
Revista Brasileira de Ciência do Solo 40, e0150099, 2016
Nitrogen fertilization affects yield and fruit quality in pear
PB Sete, JJ Comin, MN Ciotta, JA Salume, F Thewes, A Brackmann, ...
Scientia Horticulturae 258, 108782, 2019
Forms and accumulation of copper and zinc in a sandy typic hapludalf soil after long-term application of pig slurry and deep litter
TL Tiecher, CA Ceretta, JJ Comin, E Girotto, A Miotto, MP Moraes, ...
Revista Brasileira de Ciência do Solo 37, 812-824, 2013
Matéria seca de plantas de cobertura, produção de cebola e atributos químicos do solo em sistema plantio direto agroecológico
M Souza, JJ Comin, ES Leguizamón, C Kurtz, G Brunetto, V Müller Júnior, ...
Ciência Rural 43, 21-27, 2013
Physical properties and organic carbon content of a Typic Hapludult soil fertilised with pig slurry and pig litter in a no-tillage system
JJ Comin, A Loss, M da Veiga, R Guardini, DE Schmitt, PAV de Oliveira, ...
Soil Research 51 (5), 459-470, 2013
The pear tree response to phosphorus and potassium fertilization
G Brunetto, G Nava, VG Ambrosini, JJ Comin, J Kaminski
Revista Brasileira de Fruticultura 37, 507-516, 2015
Redução da emissão de CO2, CH4 e H2S através da compostagem de dejetos suínos
LG Sardá, MM Higarashi, S Muller, PA Oliveira, JJ Comin
Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agrícola e Ambiental 14, 1008-1013, 2010
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