Pete Moore
Pete Moore
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Effects of basal debris on glacier flow
NR Iverson, D Cohen, TS Hooyer, UH Fischer, M Jackson, PL Moore, ...
Science 301 (5629), 81-84, 2003
Slow episodic shear of granular materials regulated by dilatant strengthening
PL Moore, NR Iverson
Geology 30 (9), 843-846, 2002
Deformation of debris‐ice mixtures
PL Moore
Reviews of Geophysics 52 (3), 435-467, 2014
Debris‐bed friction of hard‐bedded glaciers
D Cohen, NR Iverson, TS Hooyer, UH Fischer, M Jackson, PL Moore
Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 110 (F2), 2005
Soft-bed experiments beneath Engabreen, Norway: regelation infiltration, basal slip and bed deformation
NR Iverson, TS Hooyer, UH Fischer, D Cohen, PL Moore, M Jackson, ...
Journal of Glaciology 53 (182), 323-340, 2007
Geomorphological evolution of a debris‐covered glacier surface
MJ Westoby, DR Rounce, TE Shaw, CL Fyffe, PL Moore, RL Stewart, ...
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 45 (14), 3431-3448, 2020
Streambank alluvial unit contributions to suspended sediment and total phosphorus loads, Walnut Creek, Iowa, USA
W Beck, T Isenhart, P Moore, K Schilling, R Schultz, M Tomer
Water 10 (2), 111, 2018
Conditions for thrust faulting in a glacier
PL Moore, NR Iverson, D Cohen
Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 115 (F2), 2010
Stability of supraglacial debris
PL Moore
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 43 (1), 285-297, 2018
Frictional properties of the Mount St. Helens Gouge
PL Moore, NR Iverson, RM Iverson
A Volcano Rekindled: The Renewed Eruption of Mount St. Helens, 2004-2006, 2008
Changes in lateral floodplain connectivity accompanying stream channel evolution: Implications for sediment and nutrient budgets
WJ Beck, PL Moore, KE Schilling, CF Wolter, TM Isenhart, KJ Cole, ...
Science of the Total Environment 660, 1015-1028, 2019
Effect of a cold margin on ice flow at the terminus of Storglaciären, Sweden: implications for sediment transport
PL Moore, NR Iverson, KA Brugger, D Cohen, TS Hooyer, P Jansson
Journal of Glaciology 57 (201), 77-87, 2011
Glacier slip and seismicity induced by surface melt
PL Moore, JP Winberry, NR Iverson, KA Christianson, S Anandakrishnan, ...
Geology 41 (12), 1247-1250, 2013
Entrainment and emplacement of englacial debris bands near the margin of S torglaciären, S weden
PL Moore, NR Iverson, KT Uno, MP Dettinger, KA Brugger, P Jansson
Boreas 42 (1), 71-83, 2013
Ice flow across a warm-based/cold-based transition at a glacier margin
PL Moore, NR Iverson, D Cohen
Annals of Glaciology 50 (52), 1-8, 2009
Numerical simulation of supraglacial debris mobility: implications for ablation and landform genesis
PL Moore
Frontiers in Earth Science 9, 595, 2021
Automated measurement of eroding streambank volume from high-resolution aerial imagery and terrain analysis
F Williams, P Moore, T Isenhart, M Tomer
Geomorphology 367, 107313, 2020
Using pressure pulse seismology to examine basal criticality and the influence of sticky spots on glacial flow
JL Kavanaugh, PL Moore, CF Dow, JW Sanders
Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 115 (F4), 2010
Debris properties and mass-balance impacts on adjacent debris-covered glaciers, Mount Rainier, USA
PL Moore, LI Nelson, TMD Groth
Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research 51 (1), 70-83, 2019
Dynamics of ice flow and sediment transport at a polythermal glacier terminus: Storglaciären, Sweden
PL Moore
Iowa State University, 2009
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