Jayeon (Janey) Lee
Jayeon (Janey) Lee
Associate Professor, Media & Communication, Hanyang University
在 hanyang.ac.kr 的电子邮件经过验证
The more attacks, the more retweets: Trump’s and Clinton’s agenda setting on Twitter
J Lee, W Xu
Public Relations Review 44 (2), 201-213, 2018
Predicting the Consumption of Political TV Satire: Affinity for Political Humor, The Daily Show, and The Colbert Report
JD Hmielowski, RL Holbert, J Lee
Communication monographs 78 (1), 96-114, 2011
Gendered campaign tweets: The cases of Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump
J Lee, Y Lim
Public Relations Review 42 (5), 849-855, 2016
The double-edged sword: The effects of journalists' social media activities on audience perceptions of journalists and their news products
J Lee
Journal of Computer-mediated Communication 20 (3), 312-329, 2015
Opportunity or risk? How news organizations frame social media in their guidelines for journalists
J Lee
The Communication Review 19 (2), 106-127, 2016
Affinity for political humor: An assessment of internal factor structure, reliability, and validity
RL Holbert, J Lee, S Esralew, WO Walther, JD Hmielowski, ...
Humor 26 (4), 551-572, 2013
‘You know how tough I am?' Discourse analysis of US Midwestern congresswomen’s self-presentations
J Lee
Discourse & Communication 7 (3), 299-317, 2013
“Friending” journalists on social media: Effects on perceived objectivity and intention to consume news
J Lee
Journalism Studies 21 (15), 2096-2112., 2020
Can social media change your mind? SNS use, cross-cutting exposure and discussion, and political view change
J Lee, T Myers
Journal of Social Media Studies 2 (2), 87-97, 2016
Are some people less influenced by others' opinions? The role of internal political self-efficacy and need for cognition in impression formation on social networking sites
J Lee
Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking 17 (9), 571-577, 2014
Why people post news on social networking sites: A focus on technology adoption, media bias, and partisanship strength
J Lee, H Song
Electronic News 11 (2), 59-79, 2017
22 The political relevance of entertainment media
RL Holbert, MR Hill, J Lee
Political Communication 18, 427-446, 2014
Presidents’ visual presentations in their official photos: A cross-cultural analysis of the US and South Korea
J Lee
Cogent Arts & Humanities 3 (1), 1-14, 2016
Who says what about whom: Young voters' impression formation of political candidates on social networking sites
J Lee, Y Lim
Mass Communication and Society 17 (4), 1-20, 2014
The Effects of Racial Hate Tweets on Perceived Political Polarization and the Roles of Negative Emotions and Individuation
J Lee
Asian Communication Research 18 (2), 51-68, 2021
Cues about cues in political comments on social media: Effects of commenters’ attractiveness and claims of cognitive effort
J Lee, RJ Pingree
The Journal of Social Media in Society 5 (3), 92-120, 2016
Is Snapchat Discover really a news platform? News snacking from social media and users’ knowledge of current affairs
J Lee
Journal of Applied Journalism & Media Studies 12 (1), 31-53, 2023
The Not-So-Obvious Harm of Cyberhate: Source Magnification of Hate Tweets, Unhealthy Food Choice, and the Moderating Role of Group Identification
JR Lee-Won, J Lee, T White, J Lee
Asian Communication Research 18 (3), 151-167, 2021
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