Ulrich Achatz
Stochastic parameterization: Toward a new view of weather and climate models
J Berner, U Achatz, L Batte, L Bengtsson, A Cámara, HM Christensen, ...
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 98 (3), 565-588, 2017
Cosmic-ray particle transport in weakly turbulent plasmas. Part 1. Theory
R Schlickeiser, U Achatz
Journal of plasma physics 49 (1), 63-77, 1993
Regime of validity of soundproof atmospheric flow models
R Klein, U Achatz, D Bresch, OM Knio, PK Smolarkiewicz
Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 67 (10), 3226-3237, 2010
A two-layer model with empirical linear corrections and reduced order for studies of internal climate variability
U Achatz, G Branstator
Journal of the atmospheric sciences 56 (17), 3140-3160, 1999
On the impact of middle‐atmosphere thermal tides on the propagation and dissipation of gravity waves
F Senf, U Achatz
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 116 (D24), 2011
Gravity waves, scale asymptotics and the pseudo-incompressible equations
U Achatz, R Klein, F Senf
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 663, 120-147, 2010
The interaction between atmospheric gravity waves and large-scale flows: An efficient description beyond the nonacceleration paradigm
G Bölöni, B Ribstein, J Muraschko, C Sgoff, J Wei, U Achatz
Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 73 (12), 4833-4852, 2016
On the application of Wentzel–Kramer–Brillouin theory for the simulation of the weakly nonlinear dynamics of gravity waves
J Muraschko, MD Fruman, U Achatz, S Hickel, Y Toledo
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 141 (688), 676-697, 2015
Charged particle transport in a turbulent magnetized plasma-A reassessment and extension of quasilinear theory
U Achatz, J Steinacker, R Schlickeiser
Astronomy and Astrophysics (ISSN 0004-6361), vol. 250, no. 1, Oct. 1991, p …, 1991
Interplanetary transport of solar electrons and protons: Effect of dissipative processes in the magnetic field power spectrum
U Achatz, W Dröge, R Schlickeiser, G Wibberenz
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 98 (A8), 13261-13280, 1993
Gravity-wave breaking: Linear and primary nonlinear dynamics
U Achatz
Advances in Space Research 40 (6), 719-733, 2007
On the role of optimal perturbations in the instability of monochromatic gravity waves
U Achatz
Physics of Fluids 17 (9), 2005
Mechanisms controlling the diurnal solar tide: Analysis using a GCM and a linear model
U Achatz, N Grieger, H Schmidt
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 113 (A8), 2008
The primary nonlinear dynamics of modal and nonmodal perturbations of monochromatic inertia–gravity waves
U Achatz
Journal of the atmospheric sciences 64 (1), 74-95, 2007
On the closure problem in the reduction of complex atmospheric models by PIPs and EOFs: A comparison for the case of a two-layer model with zonally symmetric forcing
U Achatz, G Schmitz
Journal of the atmospheric sciences 54 (20), 2452-2474, 1997
Jets and hot spots in extragalactic radio sources
U Achatz, R Schlickeiser, H Lesch
Astronomy and Astrophysics 233, 391-409, 1990
Benchmarking in a rotating annulus: a comparative experimental and numerical study of baroclinic wave dynamics
M Vincze, S Borchert, U Achatz, T Von Larcher, M Baumann, C Hertel, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1403.2715, 2014
A High Frequency Radio Continuum Investigation of Giant Radio Galaxies-Part One-Observations of Six Objects at 2.8-CENTIMETERS Wavelength
U Klein, KH Mack, R Strom, R Wielebinski, U Achatz
Astronomy and Astrophysics, Vol. 283, NO. 3/MAR (III), P. 729, 1994 283, 729, 1994
Principal interaction patterns in baroclinic wave life cycles
U Achatz, G Schmitz, KM Greisiger
Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 52 (18), 3201-3213, 1995
Stochastic closure for local averages in the finite-difference discretization of the forced Burgers equation
SI Dolaptchiev, U Achatz, I Timofeyev
Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics 27, 297-317, 2013
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