María Fernanda López Sandoval
María Fernanda López Sandoval
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Afforestation or intense pasturing improve the ecological and economic value of abandoned tropical farmlands
T Knoke, J Bendix, P Pohle, U Hamer, P Hildebrandt, K Roos, A Gerique, ...
Nature communications 5 (1), 1-12, 2014
Space, power, and locality: The contemporary use of territorio in Latin American geography
MFL Sandoval, A Robertsdotter, M Paredes
Journal of Latin American Geography, 43-67, 2017
Land cover change in the Andes of Southern Ecuador—Patterns and drivers
GF Curatola Fernández, WA Obermeier, A Gerique, MF Lopez Sandoval, ...
Remote Sensing 7 (3), 2509-2542, 2015
El sistema de planificación y el ordenamiento territorial para Buen Vivir en el Ecuador
MFL Sandoval
GEOUSP Espaço e Tempo (Online) 19 (2), 296-311, 2015
Research priorities for the conservation and sustainable governance of Andean forest landscapes
SL Mathez-Stiefel, M Peralvo, S Báez, S Rist, W Buytaert, F Cuesta, ...
Mountain Research and Development 37 (3), 323-339, 2017
Agricultural and settlement frontiers in the tropical Andes: the paramo belt of northern Ecuador, 1960-1990
C Stadel
Mountain Research and Development 25 (4), 386-387, 2005
Human ecological dimensions in sustainable utilization and conservation of tropical mountain rain forests under global change in southern Ecuador
P Pohle, A Gerique, M Park, MFL Sandoval
Tropical Rainforests and Agroforests under Global Change: Ecological and …, 2010
Effectiveness of payment for ecosystem services after loss and uncertainty of compensation
T Hayes, F Murtinho, H Wolff, MF López-Sandoval, J Salazar
Nature Sustainability 5 (1), 81-88, 2022
Landscape change in Southern Ecuador: An indicator-based and multi-temporal evaluation of land use and land cover in a mixed-use protected area
S López, MF López-Sandoval, A Gerique, J Salazar
Ecological Indicators 115, 106357, 2020
A hybrid-epistemological approach to climate change research: Linking scientific and smallholder knowledge systems in the Ecuadorian Andes
S López, JK Jung, MF López
Anthropocene 17, 30-45, 2017
Hernia de Grynfelt
FJ González Rodríguez, AP Gómez, M López, RF Conde Freire, ...
Discusión y manejo. Rev Hispanoam Hernia 2 (2), 63-6, 2014
Change, collective action, and cultural resilience in páramo management in Ecuador
M López-Sandoval, P Maldonado
Mountain Research and Development 39 (4), R1, 2019
Sitting on a ticking bomb? A political ecological analysis of conservation conflicts in the Alto Nangaritza Valley, Ecuador
A Gerique, MF López Sandoval, P Pohle
Erde 148, 2017
Afforestation or intense pasturing improve the ecological and economic value of abandoned tropical farmlands. Nat Commun 5: 5612
T Knoke, J Bendix, P Pohle, U Hamer, P Hildebrandt, K Roos, A Gerique, ...
Geografía, economía y territorios rurales en América Latina: presentación del dossier
MFL Sandoval, A Carrión
Eutopía: Revista de Desarrollo Económico Territorial, 7-22, 2018
Current provisioning ecosystem services for the local population: Landscape transformation, land use, and plant use
P Pohle, A Gerique, MF López, R Spohner
Ecosystem Services, Biodiversity and Environmental Change in a Tropical …, 2013
Hacia la construcción de un espacio estatal: el territorio en la planificación del desarrollo en Ecuador, 2007-2017
A Carrión, MJ MONTALVO, M López
Territorialización de la política pública y gobernanza. Quito: Abya Yala, 35-66, 2019
What is behind land claims? Downsizing of a conservation area in southeastern Ecuador
MFL Sandoval, A Gerique, P Pohle
Sustainability 9 (9), 1-15, 2017
New insights on land use, land cover, and climate change in human–environment dynamics of the Equatorial Andes
S López, MF López-Sandoval, JK Jung
Annals of the American Association of Geographers 111 (4), 1110-1136, 2021
El trabajo femenino indígena en la economía agrícola familiar en la Amazonía del Ecuador
VB Cañadas, MFL Sandoval
Espacio y Desarrollo, 67-89, 2019
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