Aliaksandr Malokin
Aliaksandr Malokin
Data Eng, Avenue One
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How do activities conducted while commuting influence mode choice? Using revealed preference models to inform public transportation advantage and autonomous vehicle scenarios
A Malokin, G Circella, PL Mokhtarian
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 124, 82-114, 2019
How do activities conducted while commuting influence mode choice? Testing public transportation advantage and autonomous vehicle scenarios
A Malokin, G Circella, PL Mokhtarian
94th annual meeting of the transportation research board, 11-15, 2015
Travel-based multitasking: modeling the propensity to conduct activities while commuting
RM Berliner, A Malokin, G Circella, PL Mokhtarian
Transportation Research Board 94th Annual MeetingTransportation Research Board, 2015
It’s not all fun and games: an investigation of the reported benefits and disadvantages of conducting activities while commuting
FA Shaw, A Malokin, PL Mokhtarian, G Circella
Travel Behaviour and Society 17, 8-25, 2019
Do millennials value travel time differently because of productive multitasking? A revealed-preference study of Northern California commuters
A Malokin, G Circella, PL Mokhtarian
Transportation 48 (5), 2787-2823, 2021
Do multitasking millennials value travel time differently? A revealed preference study of Northern California commuters
A Malokin, G Circella, PL Mokhtarian
Transportation Research Board 96th Annual MeetingTransportation Research Board, 2017
Who doesn’t mind waiting? Examining the relationships between waiting attitudes and person-and travel-related attributes
FA Shaw, A Malokin, PL Mokhtarian, G Circella
Transportation 48, 395-429, 2021
Do multitasking millennials value travel time differently
A Malokin, G Circella, PL Mokhtarian
A revealed preference study of Northern California commuters, 17-00891, 2017
How do activities conducted while commuting influence mode choice? testing transit-advantage and autonomous-vehicle scenarios
A Malokin, G Circella, PL Mokhtarian
94th TRB-Transportation Research Board Meeting, Washington DC, USA (2015 …, 2014
An Investigation of Methods for Imputing Attitudes from One Sample to Another
A Malokin, PL Mokhtarian, G Circella
School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Georgia Institute of …, 2017
A Transfer Learning-Based Framework for Enriching National Household Travel Survey Data with Attitudinal Variables
A Malokin, P Mokhtarian, G Circella
Georgia Institute of Technology, School of Civil and Environmental …, 2019
Travel-based multitasking: modeling the propensity of northern californians to conduct activities while commuting
RM Berliner, A Malokin, G Circella, P Mokhtarian
Investigating demographic and multitasking sources of systematic heterogeneity with respect to the impact of travel time on commute mode choice
A Etezady, PL Mokhtarian, G Circella, A Malokin
Transportation Research Board 98th Annual MeetingTransportation Research Board, 2019
Outcomes of travel-based multitasking: Reported benefits and disadvantages of conducting activities while commuting
FA Shaw, A Malokin, PL Mokhtarian, G Circella
Transportation Research Board 97th Annual MeetingTransportation Research Board, 2018
Does travel-based multitasking influence commute mode choice? An investigation of Northern California commuters
A Malokin, PL Mokhtarian, G Circella
International Choice Modelling Conference 2015, 2015
Do millennials value travel time differently because of productive
A Malokin, G Circella, PL Mokhtarian
It's not all fun and games: An investigation of the reported benefits and disadvantages of
FA Shaw, A Malokin, PL Mokhtarian
Who Doesn’t Mind Waiting? A Revealed Preference Study of Northern California Commuters
FA Shaw, A Malokin, PL Mokhtarian, G Circella
Transportation Research Board 98th Annual MeetingTransportation Research Board, 2019
Пространственно-функциональная структура г. Заславля
АС Молокин
Минск: Изд. центр БГУ, 2011
Конвергенция уровня экономического развития постсоциалистических стран с высокоразвитыми странами Западной Европы
АС Молокин
XIII Международная научная конференция аспирантов, магистрантов и студентов …, 2010
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