Nonuniform random variate generation L Devroye Handbooks in operations research and management science 13, 83-121, 2006 | 5927 | 2006 |
A probabilistic theory of pattern recognition L Devroye, L Györfi, G Lugosi Springer Science & Business Media, 2013 | 5183 | 2013 |
Nonparametric density estimation L Devroye The L_1 View, 1985 | 2003 | 1985 |
Combinatorial methods in density estimation L Devroye, G Lugosi Springer Science & Business Media, 2001 | 1037 | 2001 |
A course in density estimation L Devroye Birkhauser Boston Inc., 1987 | 866 | 1987 |
Consistency of random forests and other averaging classifiers. G Biau, L Devroye, G Lugosi Journal of Machine Learning Research 9 (9), 2008 | 787 | 2008 |
On the strong universal consistency of nearest neighbor regression function estimates L Devroye, L Gyorfi, A Krzyzak, G Lugosi The annals of Statistics 22 (3), 1371-1385, 1994 | 411 | 1994 |
Lectures on the nearest neighbor method G Biau, L Devroye Springer, 2015 | 342 | 2015 |
Distribution-free consistency results in nonparametric discrimination and regression function estimation LP Devroye, TJ Wagner The Annals of Statistics, 231-239, 1980 | 322 | 1980 |
A note on the height of binary search trees L Devroye Journal of the ACM (JACM) 33 (3), 489-498, 1986 | 314 | 1986 |
On the almost everywhere convergence of nonparametric regression function estimates L Devroye The Annals of Statistics, 1310-1319, 1981 | 313 | 1981 |
Distribution-free performance bounds for potential function rules L Devroye, T Wagner IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 25 (5), 601-604, 1979 | 298 | 1979 |
Sample-based non-uniform random variate generation L Devroye Proceedings of the 18th conference on Winter simulation, 260-265, 1986 | 289 | 1986 |
Detection of abnormal behavior via nonparametric estimation of the support L Devroye, GL Wise SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 38 (3), 480-488, 1980 | 265 | 1980 |
The Equivalence of Weak, Strong and Complete Convergence in L1 for Kernel Density Estimates L Devroye The Annals of Statistics, 896-904, 1983 | 264 | 1983 |
The total variation distance between high-dimensional Gaussians with the same mean L Devroye, A Mehrabian, T Reddad arXiv preprint arXiv:1810.08693, 2018 | 240 | 2018 |
L. Gy or, and G. Lugosi. A probabilistic theory of pattern recognition L Devroye Springer-Verlag, New York, 1996 | 240 | 1996 |
Automatic pattern recognition: A study of the probability of error L Devroye IEEE Transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 10 (4), 530-543, 1988 | 211 | 1988 |
Sub-Gaussian mean estimators L Devroye, M Lerasle, G Lugosi, RI Oliveira | 210 | 2016 |
Branching processes in the analysis of the heights of trees L Devroye Acta Informatica 24 (3), 277-298, 1987 | 204 | 1987 |