Abhishek Vaidya
Abhishek Vaidya
Data Scientist, Intel Technology Development | Ph.D., University at Buffalo
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1.85 kV Breakdown Voltage in Lateral Field-Plated Ga2O3MOSFETs
K Zeng, A Vaidya, U Singisetti
IEEE Electron Device Letters 39 (9), 1385-1388, 2018
A field-plated Ga2O3 MOSFET with near 2-kV breakdown voltage and 520 mΩ· cm2 on-resistance
K Zeng, A Vaidya, U Singisetti
Applied Physics Express 12 (8), 081003, 2019
Enhancement Mode β-(AlxGa1-x)2O3/Ga2O3 Heterostructure FET (HFET) With High Transconductance and Cutoff Frequency
A Vaidya, CN Saha, U Singisetti
IEEE Electron Device Letters 42 (10), 1444-1447, 2021
Structural, band and electrical characterization of β-(Al0. 19Ga0. 81) 2O3 films grown by molecular beam epitaxy on Sn doped β-Ga2O3 substrate
A Vaidya, J Sarker, Y Zhang, L Lubecki, J Wallace, JD Poplawsky, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 126 (9), 2019
Scaled β-Ga2O3 thin channel MOSFET with 5.4 MV/cm average breakdown field and near 50 GHz fMAX
CN Saha, A Vaidya, AFM Bhuiyan, L Meng, S Sharma, H Zhao, ...
Applied Physics Letters 122 (18), 2023
Temperature dependent pulsed IV and RF characterization of β-(AlxGa1− x) 2O3/Ga2O3 hetero-structure FET with ex situ passivation
CN Saha, A Vaidya, U Singisetti
Applied Physics Letters 120 (17), 2022
Temperature-Dependent Current Dispersion Study in β-Ga₂O₃ FETs Using Submicrosecond Pulsed IV Characteristics
A Vaidya, U Singisetti
IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 2021
Temperature-Dependent Current Dispersion Study in β-Ga₂O₃ FETs Using Submicrosecond Pulsed I–V Characteristics
A Vaidya, U Singisetti
IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices 68 (8), 3755-3761, 2021
710 V breakdown voltage in field plated Ga203 MOSFET
K Zeng, A Vaidya, U Singisetti
2018 76th device research conference (DRC), 1-2, 2018
Comparison of field plated and non-field plated Schottky barrier diodes in HVPE grown -Ga2O3
S Sharma, K Zeng, A Vaidya, U Singisetti
2019 Device Research Conference (DRC), 151-152, 2019
Pt, Ni and Ti Schottky barrier contacts to\{beta}-(Al0. 19Ga0. 81) 2O3 grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy on Sn doped\{beta}-Ga2O3 substrate
A Vaidya, K Sasaki, A Kuramata, T Masui, U Singisetti
arXiv preprint arXiv:1803.07504, 2018
Thin channel Ga2O3 MOSFET with 55 GHz fMAX and> 100 V breakdown
CN Saha, A Vaidya, NJ Nipu, L Meng, DS Yu, H Zhao, U Singisetti
Applied Physics Letters 125 (6), 2024
Gallium oxide based power and RF device technologies
U Singisetti, S Sharma, K Zeng, A Vaidya, S Saha, A Kumar, A Sharma
Radar Sensor Technology XXV 11742, 117420V, 2021
Transient Response and Heterostructure Characterization of Beta Gallium Oxide Devices for High Frequency Operation
A Vaidya
State University of New York at Buffalo, 2021
(Invited) Electron Transport in Bulk and 2DEGs in beta-Ga2O3 and kV Class Laterals Device in beta-Ga2O3
K Ghosh, K Zhang, A Vaidya, A Sharma, A Kumar, U Singisetti
Electrochemical Society Meeting Abstracts 237, 1336-1336, 2020
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