Andrea Ciani
Andrea Ciani
Ansaldo Energia
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Toward decarbonized power generation with gas turbines by using sequential combustion for burning hydrogen
MR Bothien, A Ciani, JP Wood, G Fruechtel
Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power 141 (12), 121013, 2019
An introduction to the Ansaldo GT36 constant pressure sequential combustor
DA Pennell, MR Bothien, A Ciani, V Granet, G Singla, S Thorpe, ...
Turbo Expo: Power for Land, Sea, and Air 50855, V04BT04A043, 2017
Direct Numerical Simulation of hydrogen combustion at auto-ignitive conditions: Ignition, stability and turbulent reaction-front velocity
A Gruber, MR Bothien, A Ciani, K Aditya, JH Chen, FA Williams
Combustion and Flame 229, 111385, 2021
Superior fuel and operational flexibility of sequential combustion in Ansaldo Energia gas turbines
A Ciani, MR Bothien, B Bunkute, JP Wood, G Früchtel
Journal of the Global Power and Propulsion Society 3, 630-638, 2019
Experimental investigation of a generic, fuel flexible reheat combustor at gas turbine relevant operating conditions
JM Fleck, P Griebel, AM Steinberg, M Sto¨ hr, M Aigner, A Ciani
Turbo Expo: Power for Land, Sea, and Air 43970, 583-592, 2010
Sequential combustion in gas turbines: the key technology for burning high hydrogen contents with low emissions
MR Bothien, A Ciani, JP Wood, G Fruechtel
Turbo expo: power for land, sea, and air 58615, V04AT04A046, 2019
Development of GT24 and GT26 (upgrades 2011) reheat combustors, achieving reduced emissions and increased fuel flexibility
KM Düsing, A Ciani, U Benz, A Eroglu, K Knapp
Turbo Expo: Power for Land, Sea, and Air 55119, V01BT04A034, 2013
Autoignition limits of hydrogen at relevant reheat combustor operating conditions
J Fleck, P Griebel, AM Steinberg, M Stöhr, M Aigner, A Ciani
Full-scale atmospheric tests of sequential combustion
A Ciani, A Eroglu, F Gu¨ the, B Paikert
Turbo Expo: Power for Land, Sea, and Air 43970, 759-768, 2010
Hydrogen combustion within a gas turbine reheat combustor
M Poyyapakkam, J Wood, S Mayers, A Ciani, F Guethe, K Syed
Turbo Expo: Power for Land, Sea, and Air 44687, 847-854, 2012
Effect of Mixing Quality on NOx Emissions in Reheat Combustion of GT24 and GT26 Engines
KM Du¨ sing, A Ciani, A Eroglu
Turbo Expo: Power for Land, Sea, and Air 54624, 633-642, 2011
An experimental and numerical study of the structure and stability of laminar opposed-jet flows
A Ciani, W Kreutner, CE Frouzakis, K Lust, G Coppola, K Boulouchos
Computers & fluids 39 (1), 114-124, 2010
Experimental investigation of the morphology and stability of diffusion and edge flames in an opposed jet burner
A Ciani, W Kreutner, W Hubschmid, CE Frouzakis, K Boulouchos
Combustion and Flame 150 (3), 188-200, 2007
Sequential Combustion in Ansaldo Energia Gas Turbines: The Technology Enabler for CO2-Free, Highly Efficient Power Production Based on Hydrogen
A Ciani, JP Wood, A Wickström, GJ Rørtveit, R Steeneveldt, J Pettersen, ...
Turbo Expo: Power for Land, Sea, and Air 84126, V04AT04A041, 2020
Reheat burner injection system
M Poyyapakkam, A Winkler, K Syed, A Eroglu, A Ciani
US Patent 8,677,756, 2014
Lance of a burner
A Eroglu, J Buss, A Ciani
US Patent 8,943,831, 2015
Reheat burner injection system with fuel lances
M Poyyapakkam, U Benz, A Theuer, A Winkler, A Ciani
US Patent 8,713,943, 2014
Premixed burner for a gas turbine combustor
M Poyyapakkam, A Winkler, K Syed, A Ciani
US Patent 8,490,398, 2013
Reheat burner arrangement having an increasing flow path cross-section
JP Wood, A Ciani, A Theuer, DA Pennell, E Freitag
US Patent 9,976,744, 2018
Burner arrangement with deflection elements for deflecting cooling air flow
M Poyyapakkam, A Eroglu, A Ciani, D Lauffer, U Ruedel
US Patent 9,157,637, 2015
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