Kelly Stewart
Kelly Stewart
Research Scientist, The Ocean Foundation, SWFSC
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Global patterns of marine mammal, seabird, and sea turtle bycatch reveal taxa-specific and cumulative megafauna hotspots
RL Lewison, LB Crowder, BP Wallace, JE Moore, T Cox, R Zydelis, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (14), 5271-5276, 2014
Characterizing fishing effort and spatial extent of coastal fisheries
KR Stewart, RL Lewison, DC Dunn, RH Bjorkland, S Kelez, PN Halpin, ...
PloS one 5 (12), e14451, 2010
Internesting and Postnesting Movements and Foraging Habitats of Leatherback Sea Turtles (Dermochelys coriacea) Nesting in Florida
SA Eckert, D Bagley, S Kubis, L Ehrhart, C Johnson, K Stewart, ...
Chelonian Conservation and Biology 5 (2), 239-248, 2006
Geographic patterns of genetic variation in a broadly distributed marine vertebrate: new insights into loggerhead turtle stock structure from expanded mitochondrial DNA sequences
BM Shamblin, AB Bolten, FA Abreu-Grobois, KA Bjorndal, L Cardona, ...
PLoS One 9 (1), e85956, 2014
Population stock structure of leatherback turtles (Dermochelys coriacea) in the Atlantic revealed using mtDNA and microsatellite markers
PH Dutton, SE Roden, KR Stewart, E LaCasella, M Tiwari, A Formia, ...
Conservation Genetics 14, 625-636, 2013
Predation risk to loggerhead hatchlings at a high-density nesting beach in Southeast Florida
KR Stewart, J Wyneken
Bulletin of Marine Science 74 (2), 325-335, 2004
Monitoring persistent organic pollutants in leatherback turtles (Dermochelys coriacea) confirms maternal transfer
KR Stewart, JM Keller, R Templeton, JR Kucklick, C Johnson
Marine Pollution Bulletin 62 (7), 1396-1409, 2011
Advances in the application of genetics in marine turtle biology and conservation
LM Komoroske, MP Jensen, KR Stewart, BM Shamblin, PH Dutton
Frontiers in Marine Science 4, 156, 2017
The minimum size of leatherbacks at reproductive maturity, with a review of sizes for nesting females from the Indian, Atlantic and Pacific Ocean basins
K Stewart, C Johnson, MH Godfrey
The Herpetological Journal 17 (2), 123-128, 2007
Leatherback nests increasing significantly in Florida, USA; trends assessed over 30 years using multilevel modeling
K Stewart, M Sims, A Meylan, B Witherington, B Brost, LB Crowder
Ecological Applications 21 (1), 263-273, 2011
A regional analysis of coastal and domestic fishing effort in the wider Caribbean
DC Dunn, K Stewart, RH Bjorkland, M Haughton, S Singh-Renton, ...
Fisheries Research 102 (1-2), 60-68, 2010
Paternal genotype reconstruction reveals multiple paternity and sex ratios in a breeding population of leatherback turtles (Dermochelys coriacea)
KR Stewart, PH Dutton
Conservation genetics 12, 1101-1113, 2011
Effects of oral anticoagulation for atrial fibrillation after spontaneous intracranial haemorrhage in the UK: a randomised, open-label, assessor-masked, pilot-phase, non …
RAS Salman, C Keerie, J Stephen, S Lewis, J Norrie, MS Dennis, ...
The Lancet Neurology 20 (10), 842-853, 2021
Assignment tests, telemetry and tag‐recapture data converge to identify natal origins of leatherback turtles foraging in Atlantic Canadian waters
KR Stewart, MC James, S Roden, PH Dutton
Journal of Animal Ecology 82 (4), 791-803, 2013
Perfluoroalkyl contaminants in plasma of five sea turtle species: comparisons in concentration and potential health risks
JM Keller, L Ngai, JB McNeill, LD Wood, KR Stewart, SG O'Connell, ...
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 31 (6), 1223-1230, 2012
Dermochelys coriacea-Leatherback sea turtle
K Stewart, C Johnson
Chelonian Research Monographs 3, 144-157, 2006
Breeding sex ratios in adult leatherback turtles (Dermochelys coriacea) may compensate for female-biased hatchling sex ratios
KR Stewart, PH Dutton
PLoS One 9 (2), e88138, 2014
Effects of antiplatelet therapy after stroke caused by intracerebral hemorrhage: extended follow-up of the RESTART randomized clinical trial
RAS Salman, MS Dennis, PAG Sandercock, CLM Sudlow, JM Wardlaw, ...
JAMA neurology 78 (10), 1179-1186, 2021
Nesting population origins of leatherback turtles caught as bycatch in the US pelagic longline fishery
KR Stewart, EL LaCasella, SE Roden, MP Jensen, LW Stokes, ...
Ecosphere 7 (3), e01272, 2016
Increased nesting, good survival and variable site fidelity for leatherback turtles in Florida, USA
KR Stewart, KJ Martin, C Johnson, N Desjardin, SA Eckert, LB Crowder
Biological Conservation 176, 117-125, 2014
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