W. Erick Rogers
W. Erick Rogers
其他姓名W. E. Rogers, Erick Rogers
在 nrlssc.navy.mil 的电子邮件经过验证 - 首页
Semiempirical dissipation source functions for ocean waves. Part I: Definition, calibration, and validation
F Ardhuin, E Rogers, AV Babanin, JF Filipot, R Magne, A Roland, ...
Journal of Physical Oceanography 40 (9), 1917-1941, 2010
Wave modelling–the state of the art
L Cavaleri, JHGM Alves, F Ardhuin, A Babanin, M Banner, K Belibassakis, ...
Progress in oceanography 75 (4), 603-674, 2007
Investigation of wave growth and decay in the SWAN model: three regional-scale applications
WE Rogers, PA Hwang, DW Wang
Journal of Physical Oceanography 33 (2), 366-389, 2003
Forecasting and hindcasting waves with the SWAN model in the Southern California Bight
WE Rogers, JM Kaihatu, L Hsu, RE Jensen, JD Dykes, KT Holland
Coastal Engineering 54 (1), 1-15, 2007
Swell and sea in the emerging Arctic Ocean
J Thomson, WE Rogers
Geophysical Research Letters 41 (9), 3136-3140, 2014
Observation-consistent input and whitecapping dissipation in a model for wind-generated surface waves: Description and simple calculations
WE Rogers, AV Babanin, DW Wang
Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 29 (9), 1329-1346, 2012
Observation-based source terms in the third-generation wave model WAVEWATCH
S Zieger, AV Babanin, WE Rogers, IR Young
Ocean Modelling 96, 2-25, 2015
Wave modelling in coastal and inner seas
L Cavaleri, S Abdalla, A Benetazzo, L Bertotti, JR Bidlot, Ø Breivik, ...
Progress in oceanography 167, 164-233, 2018
In situ measurements of an energetic wave event in the Arctic marginal ice zone
CO Collins III, WE Rogers, A Marchenko, AV Babanin
Geophysical Research Letters 42 (6), 1863-1870, 2015
Overview of the arctic sea state and boundary layer physics program
J Thomson, S Ackley, F Girard‐Ardhuin, F Ardhuin, A Babanin, G Boutin, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 123 (12), 8674-8687, 2018
Dissipation of wind waves by pancake and frazil ice in the autumn B eaufort S ea
WE Rogers, J Thomson, HH Shen, MJ Doble, P Wadhams, S Cheng
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 121 (11), 7991-8007, 2016
Observation-based source terms in the third-generation wave model WAVEWATCH III: Updates and verification
Q Liu, WE Rogers, AV Babanin, IR Young, L Romero, S Zieger, F Qiao, ...
Journal of Physical Oceanography 49 (2), 489-517, 2019
Dispersion relations, power laws, and energy loss for waves in the marginal ice zone
MH Meylan, LG Bennetts, JEM Mosig, WE Rogers, MJ Doble, MA Peter
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 123 (5), 3322-3335, 2018
Diffusion reduction in an arbitrary scale third generation wind wave model
WE Rogers, JM Kaihatu, HAH Petit, N Booij, LH Holthuijsen
Ocean Engineering 29 (11), 1357-1390, 2002
Emerging trends in the sea state of the Beaufort and Chukchi seas
J Thomson, Y Fan, S Stammerjohn, J Stopa, WE Rogers, F Girard-Ardhuin, ...
Ocean Modelling 105, 1-12, 2016
Calibrating a viscoelastic sea ice model for wave propagation in the Arctic fall marginal ice zone
S Cheng, WE Rogers, J Thomson, M Smith, MJ Doble, P Wadhams, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 122 (11), 8770-8793, 2017
Waves and the equilibrium range at Ocean Weather Station P
J Thomson, EA D'Asaro, MF Cronin, WE Rogers, RR Harcourt, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 118 (11), 5951-5962, 2013
Wave-breaking turbulence in the ocean surface layer
J Thomson, MS Schwendeman, SF Zippel, S Moghimi, J Gemmrich, ...
Journal of Physical Oceanography 46 (6), 1857-1870, 2016
Forecasting ocean waves: Comparing a physics-based model with statistical models
G Reikard, WE Rogers
Coastal Engineering 58 (5), 409-416, 2011
A study of dissipation of wind-waves by mud at Cassino Beach, Brazil: Prediction and inversion
WE Rogers, KT Holland
Continental Shelf Research 29 (3), 676-690, 2009
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