Evangelos Pavlis
Evangelos Pavlis
Assistant Professor, Dept of Agric. Economics & Rural Development, Agricultural University of Athens
在 aua.gr 的电子邮件经过验证
Patterns of agri-environmental scheme participation in Europe: Indicative trends from selected case studies
ES Pavlis, TS Terkenli, SBP Kristensen, AG Busck, GL Cosor
Land Use Policy 57, 800-812, 2016
Changing land use intensity in Europe–Recent processes in selected case studies
T van der Sluis, B Pedroli, SBP Kristensen, GL Cosor, E Pavlis
Land Use Policy 57, 777-785, 2016
The impact of European landscape transitions on the provision of landscape services: an explorative study using six cases of rural land change
T Van der Sluis, B Pedroli, P Frederiksen, SBP Kristensen, AG Busck, ...
Landscape Ecology 34 (2), 307-323, 2019
Drivers of European landscape change: stakeholders’ perspectives through fuzzy cognitive mapping
T van der Sluis, B Arts, K Kok, M Bogers, AG Busck, K Sepp, ...
Landscape Research - https://doi.org/10.1080/01426397.2018.1446074 44 (4 …, 2019
Landscape values and the question of cultural sustainability: Exploring an uncomfortable relationship in the case of Greece
E Pavlis, T Terkenli
Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift-Norwegian Journal of Geography 71 (3), 168-188, 2017
Landscape conscience: awareness raising, training and education (Reclaiming the Greek landscape)
S Terkenli Theano, E Pavlis
Reclaiming the Greek Landscape, 245-254, 2012
Dynamics in national agri-environmental policy implementation under changing EU policy priorities: Does one size fit all?
JP Vesterager, P Frederiksen, AG Busck, T Terkenli, V Pavlis, ...
Land use policy 57, 764-776, 2016
North Aegean island landscapes as ecomuseums: the case of Lesvos Island.
E Pavlis
Island Studies Journal 12 (1), 2017
Landscape Change Processes in Case Study Areas
T Van der Sluis, SBP Kristensen, P Frederiksen, G Cosor, A Vadineanu, ...
ALTERRA, Wageningen, 2013
Literature study on land use and landscape change as a result of European policies-an overview of institutions and governance structures regarding land use change for different …
G Cosor, P Frederiksen, N Geamana, SP Kristensen, SR Svenningsen, ...
VOLANTE Project reports, Copenhagen, 2012
Prospects and Constraints of Low-Intensity Farming in Marginal Peri-Urban Areas: The Case of Lesvos, Greece
E Pavlis, TS Terkenli
European Countryside 13 (3), 492-515, 2021
Landscape Changes in Europe: Upscaling Results from Case Studies and Cross-region Comparisons: Deliverable no: 1.4. VOLANTE
SBP Kristensen, AG Busck, G Cosor, V Gaube, E Pavlis, T van der Sluis, ...
Towards a Geographical Approach to Spatial Conscience and Application in Landscape: The Case of the Greek Countryside
E Pavlis
Ph. D. Thesis, 2012
Social entrepreneurship, local action and territorial branding on Lesvos Island. Towards a re-territorialisation process of small olive farming
E Pavlis, T Anthopoulou
Cahiers de la Méditerranée, 109-125, 2021
A geographical approach on the landscape impacts from the development of a mobile phones Transceiver Station Base site. The case study of the Afalonas Village landscape at …
E Pavlis
Geographies http://geographies.gr/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/7.pdf, 2020
Summary reports for each case study including additional data
SBP Kristensen, AG Busck, AS Richardt, T van der Sluis, M Bogers, ...
https://research.ku.dk/search/result/?pure=en/publications/summary-reports …, 2012
Assessing drivers of landscape change in environmental zones in Europe through Fuzzy Cognitive Mapping
T van der Sluis, M Bogers, K Kok, G Cosor, N Geamana, E Crouzat, ...
Towards landscape conscience: a geographical perspective
E Pavlis, TS Terkenli
Landscape Research (https://www.researchgate.net/publication …, 2023
Η διαχρονική αντίληψη και πρόσληψη του ελληνικού αγροτικού τοπίου. Το παράδειγμα του τοπίου της Λεσβιακής υπαίθρου
Ε Παυλής
https://www.researchgate.net/publication …, 2021
Επιστημονικό Συνέδριο Γεωγραφίας" Η γεωγραφία σε έναν κόσμο που αλλάζει". Λέσβος 2-4 Ιουνίου 2021: Πρακτικά συνεδρίου
Θ Τερκενλή, Ν Ζούρος, Β Χίου, Ό Ρούσσου
Πανεπιστήμιο Αιγαίου, Τμήμα Γεωγραφίας (http://hdl.handle.net/11610/24410), 2021
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