Sitong Chen
Sitong Chen
其他姓名Si-Tong Chen
Institute for Health and Sport, Victoria University, Melbourne
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Mental health problems among Chinese adolescents during the COVID-19: The importance of nutrition and physical activity
X Chi, K Liang, ST Chen, Q Huang, L Huang, Q Yu, C Jiao, T Guo, ...
International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology 21 (3), 100218, 2021
Moving more and sitting less as healthy lifestyle behaviors are protective factors for insomnia, depression, and anxiety among adolescents during the COVID-19 pandemic
C Lu, X Chi, K Liang, ST Chen, L Huang, T Guo, C Jiao, Q Yu, ...
Psychology research and behavior management, 1223-1233, 2020
Psychometric properties of the generalized anxiety disorder scale-7 item (GAD-7) in a large sample of Chinese adolescents
J Sun, K Liang, X Chi, S Chen
Healthcare 9 (12), 1709, 2021
Meeting 24-h movement guidelines: Prevalence, correlates, and the relationships with overweight and obesity among Chinese children and adolescents
ST Chen, Y Liu, MS Tremblay, JT Hong, Y Tang, ZB Cao, J Zhuang, Z Zhu, ...
Journal of sport and health science 10 (3), 349-359, 2021
Relationship between fundamental movement skills and physical activity in preschool-aged children: A systematic review
F Xin, ST Chen, C Clark, JT Hong, Y Liu, YJ Cai
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17 (10), 3566, 2020
Associations between parental support for physical activity and moderate-to-vigorous physical activity among Chinese school children: a cross-sectional study
Y Liu, Y Zhang, S Chen, J Zhang, Z Guo, P Chen
Journal of sport and health science 6 (4), 410-415, 2017
Effects of acute and chronic exercises on executive function in children and adolescents: a systemic review and meta-analysis
S Liu, Q Yu, Z Li, PM Cunha, Y Zhang, Z Kong, W Lin, S Chen, Y Cai
Frontiers in psychology 11, 554915, 2020
Depression is associated with moderate-intensity physical activity among college students during the COVID-19 pandemic: differs by activity level, gender and gender role
J Lin, T Guo, B Becker, Q Yu, ST Chen, S Brendon, MM Hossain, ...
Psychology research and behavior management, 1123-1134, 2020
Co-existence of physical activity and sedentary behavior among children and adolescents in Shanghai, China: do gender and age matter?
ST Chen, Y Liu, JT Hong, Y Tang, ZB Cao, J Zhuang, Z Zhu, PJ Chen
BMC Public Health 18, 1-9, 2018
Physical activity improves cognition and activities of daily living in adults with alzheimer’s disease: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials
S Zhou, S Chen, X Liu, Y Zhang, M Zhao, W Li
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19 (3), 1216, 2022
The influence of social support on physical activity in Chinese adolescents: The mediating role of exercise self-efficacy
Z Ren, L Hu, JJ Yu, Q Yu, S Chen, Y Ma, J Lin, L Yang, X Li, L Zou
Children 7 (3), 23, 2020
Prevalence of physical activity and sedentary behavior among Chinese children and adolescents: variations, gaps, and recommendations
H Shen, J Yan, JT Hong, C Clark, XN Yang, Y Liu, ST Chen
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17 (9), 3066, 2020
Effects and moderators of exercise on sarcopenic components in sarcopenic elderly: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Y Zhang, L Zou, ST Chen, JH Bae, DY Kim, X Liu, W Song
Frontiers in medicine 8, 649748, 2021
对我国体育素养概念的理解——基于对 Physical Literacy 的解读
陈思同, 刘阳, 唐炎, 陈昂
体育科学 37 (6), 41-51, 2017
Associations between meeting 24-hour movement guidelines and quality of life among children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorder
C Kong, A Chen, S Ludyga, F Herold, S Healy, M Zhao, A Taylor, ...
Journal of sport and Health Science 12 (1), 73-86, 2023
Associations between sedentary behavior and negative emotions in adolescents during home confinement: Mediating role of social support and sleep quality
L Zou, T Wang, F Herold, S Ludyga, W Liu, Y Zhang, S Healy, Z Zhang, ...
International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology 23 (1), 100337, 2023
Prevalence and selected sociodemographic of movement behaviors in schoolchildren from low-and middle-income families in Nanjing, China: a cross-sectional questionnaire survey
ST Chen, J Yan
Children 7 (2), 13, 2020
Sedentary behavior research in the Chinese population: a systematic scoping review
R Bao, ST Chen, Y Wang, J Xu, L Wang, L Zou, Y Cai
International journal of environmental research and public health 17 (10), 3576, 2020
The development of Chinese Assessment and Evaluation of Physical Literacy (CAEPL): A study using Delphi method
ST Chen, Y Tang, PJ Chen, Y Liu
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17 (8), 2720, 2020
Association between physical education classes and physical activity among 187,386 adolescents aged 13–17 years from 50 lowand middle-income countries
X Zhan, CCT Clark, R Bao, M Duncan, JT Hong, ST Chen
Jornal de Pediatria 97, 571-578, 2021
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