Pasi Laihonen
Pasi Laihonen
在 ymparisto.fi 的电子邮件经过验证
Methods for assessing coastal vulnerability to climate change
E Ramieri, A Hartley, A Barbanti, FD Santos, A Gomes, M Hilden, ...
ETC CCA technical paper 1 (2011), 1-93, 2011
A GIS-based step-wise procedure for assessing physical exposure in fragmented archipelagos
J Ekebom, P Laihonen, T Suominen
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 57 (5-6), 887-898, 2003
The site of settlement indicates commensalism between bluemussel and its epibiont.
P Laihonen, E Furman
Oecologia (Berlin), 38-40, 1986
Environmental effects of nationwide selenium fertilization in Finland
AL Mäkelä, WC Wang, M Hämäläinen, V Näntö, P Laihonen, H Kotilainen, ...
Biological Trace Element Research 47, 289-298, 1995
Assessing of long-distance background nutrient loading to the Archipelago Sea, northern Baltic, with a hydrodynamic model
H Helminen, E Juntura, J Koponen, P Laihonen, H Ylinen
Environmental Modelling & Software 13 (5-6), 511-518, 1998
Biodiversity conservation in the north: history of habitat and species protection in Finland
T Vuorisalo, P Laihonen
Annales Zoologici Fennici, 281-297, 2000
Some prospects of nutrient removal with artificial reefs
P Laihonen, J Hänninen, J Chojnacki, I Vuorinen
European artificial reef research. Proceedings of the 1 st EARRN conference …, 1997
Planning the Bothnian sea
H Backer, M Frias, U Bergström, C Fredricsson, R Fredriksson, ...
Biodiversity in the Baltic Sea–An integrated thematic assessment on biodiversity and nature conservation in the Baltic Sea.
UL Zweifel, M Laamanen, Z Al-Hamdani, JH Andersen, Å Andersson, ...
Helsinki Commission, 2009
The biodiversity information clearing-house mechanism (CHM) as a global effort
P Laihonen, R Kalliola, J Salo
Environmental Science & Policy 7 (2), 99-108, 2004
Growth and reproduction of an estuarine population of the colonial hydroidCordylophora caspia (Pallas) in the northern Baltic Sea
V Jormalainen, T Honkanen, T Vuorisalo, P Laihonen
Helgoländer Meeresuntersuchungen 48, 407-418, 1994
Methods for Assessing Coastal Vulnerability to Climate Change; European Topic Centre on Climate Change Impacts, Vulnerability and Adaptation (ETC CCA) Technical Paper
E Ramieri, A Hartley, A Barbanti, F Duarte Santos, A Gomes, M Hilden, ...
European Environment Agency: Bologna, Italy, 93, 2011
Geospatially structured biodiversity information as a component of a regional biodiversity clearing house
P Laihonen, M Rönkä, H Tolvanen, R Kalliola
Biodiversity & Conservation 12, 103-120, 2003
Components of selection: an expanded theory of natural selection
J Tuomi, T Vuorisalo, P Laihonen
Population genetics and evolution, 109-118, 1988
A bioindicator study on the effects of air pollution on forest ecosystem at Pori-Harjavalta district in SW-Finland
I Jussila, P Laihonen, V Jormalainen
SYKEsarja B 2, 1-62, 1991
Ilman laadun bioindikaattoriseuranta metsäympäristössä
I Jussila, E Joensuu, P Laihonen
Ympäristöministeriö, 1999
Kulttuurieläin: Ihmistutkimuksen Biologiaa
M Kamppinen, P Laihonen, T Vuorisalo
Keuruu: Otava, 1989
Measuring fetch and estimating wave exposure in coastal areas
J Ekebom, P Laihonen, T Suominen
Littoral 2002, 6th, 2002
Employment of artificial reefs for environmental maintenance in the Gulf of Finland
A Antsulevich, P Laihonen, I Vuorinen
Artificial Reefs in European Seas, 319-329, 2000
Distribution and abundance of invertebrates causing fouling in power plants on the Finnish coast
I Vuorinen, P Laihonen, E Lietzén
Memoranda Soc. Fauna Flora Fenn 62, 123-125, 1986
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